Fox Valley home prices April 22nd

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices April 22nd.  We have a freeze warning tonight and we have had quite a few bad storms lately.  Next week it should be in the 50 and 60’s.  Hopefully the temps will even out soon.

New listings this week are down.  183 this week compared to 220 the previous week.

Closed listings are up.  132 this week compared to 108 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 22nd

Aurora-New 22 $200,000-$675,900

             Closed-16 $179,000-$550,000

Bolingbrook-New 19 $225,000-$799,000

                      Closed-7 $200,000-$464,444

Geneva-New 16 $259,900-$1,429,900

               Closed-5 $350,000-$755,000

Naperville-New 30 $300,000-$2,340,000

                    Closed-22 $320,000-1,575,000

Plainfield-New 24 $298,500-$724,900

                  Closed-24 $250,000-$580,000

Click on the photo above to see other communities that had activity this week.  We just highlighted the ones with the most activity.

Financing used, median price, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $399,000, last week $442,500.

Closed median price this week $372,500, last week $400,500.

Stats 042223
Stats for week ending April 22nd

Conventional financing was used to close on 99 homes at median price $384,765 with 44 days average market time, last week 83 homes at median price $410,000 with 45 days average market time.

Conv 042223
Conventional financing used to close for week ending April 22nd

Cash was used to close on 16 homes this week at median price $390,000 with 58 days average market time, last week 14 homes at median price $337,500 with 14 days average market time.

Cash 042223
Cash used to close for week ending April 22nd

FHA financing used to close on 10 homes at median price $226,000 with 58 days average market time, last week 8 homes at median price $344,950 with 42 days average market time.

FHA 042223
FHA financing used to close for week ending April 22nd

VA financing used to close on 5 homes this week at median price $410,000 with 76 days average market time, last week 4 homes at median price $404,820 with 21 days average market time.

VA 042223
VA financing used to close for week ending April 22nd

2,000 square feet or more closed on 65 homes at median price $470,000 with 62 days average market time, last week  67 homes at median price $455,490 with 37 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $200,000, last week $325,000.

2000 SF or more 042223
2,000 SF or more for week ending April 22nd

75% of homes closed this week used Conventional financing.

Under contract this week

Under contract this week are up.  218 this week compared to 189 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 22nd-Under contract this week

Aurora-30                      Bolingbrook-17

Geneva-17                      Naperville-35

Oswego-10                     Plainfield-30

St Charles-13                  Yorkville-10

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 4 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 1 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Under contract median price this week $425,000 with 29 days average market time, last week median price $415,000 with 33 days average market time.

Under contract stats 042223
Under contract for week ending April 22nd

2023 by the month

Month                New   Closed   Under Contract

January               483        326           470

February             630        526           789

March                  555        558           726

April                    545        423           561

Totals                 2213       1833        2546

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2022 and 2021 so you have something to compare it to.


Click on each bullet point to take you to the site for the information.

All data is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices April 22nd.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Fox Valley home prices April 15th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices April 15th.  We are in the 80’s today, but going down to 42 on Monday then back to 50 and 60’s.

New listings this week are up.  220 this week compared to 142 the previous week.

Closed listings are down.  108 this week compared to 183 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 15th

Aurora-New 26 $190,000-$1,300,000

             Closed-12 $127,000-$541,850

Bolingbrook-New 13 $239,900-$695,000

                      Closed-9 $270,000-$677,887

Geneva-New 14 $250,000-$925,000

              Closed-8 $340,000-$680,000

Naperville-New 49 $318,000-$3,200,000

                   Closed-11 $327,500-$810,000

Oswego-New 11 $320,000-$2,200,000

               Closed-9 $271,000-$550,000

Plainfield-New 31 $235,000-$1,500,000

                  Closed-19 $290,000-$649,000

St Charles-New 18 $300,000-$2,250,000

                  Closed-7 $285,000-$1,050,000

Click on the photo above to see other communities with activity this week.

Financing used, median price, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $442,500, last week $420,000

Closed median price this week $400,500, last week $394,000

Stats 041523
Stats for week ending April 15th

Conventional financing was used to close on 83 homes this week at median price $410,000 with 45 days average market time, last week 133 homes at median price $384,900 with 43 days average market time.

Conv 041523
Conventional financing used to close for week ending April 15th

Cash was used to close on 14 homes this week at median price $337,500 with 14 days average market time, last week 29 homes at median price $445,000 with 57 days average market time.

Cash 041523
Cash used to close for week ending April 15th

FHA financing was used to close on 8 homes at median price $344,950 with 42 days average market time, last week 12 homes at median price $326,500 with 64 days average market time.

FHA 041523
FHA financing used to close for week ending April 15th

VA financing was used to close on 4 homes this week at median price $404,820 with 21 days average market time, last week 8 homes at median price $444,995 with 101 days average market time.

VA 041523
VA financing used to close for week ending April 15th

2,000 Square feet or more closed on 67 homes this week at median price $455,490 with 37 days average market time, last week 104 homes at median price $468,750 with 58 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $325,000, last week $120,000.

2000 SF or more 041523
2000 SF or more for week ending April 15th

Conventional financing continues to be the type of financing most used. 

Under contract this week

Homes that went under contract this week are up.  189 this week compared to 154 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 15th-Under contract this week

Aurora-26                        Bolingbrook-12

Naperville-33                   Oswego-14


No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 5 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  4 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours and 1  with 24 hours.

Median price  of homes that went under contract this week $415,000 with 33 average market time, last week median price $396,750 with 30 days average market time.

Under contract Stats 041523
Under contract stats for week ending April 15th

2023 by the month

Month                  New   Closed   Under contract

January                 483        326           470

February               630        526           789

March                    555        558           726

April                      362         291           343

Totals                  2030       1701         2328

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2022 and 2021.


Click on each bullet point that is underlined to take you to the site for the information.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices April 15th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Fox Valley home prices April 8th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices April 8th.  We are having a gorgeous weekend and the week ahead looks like it will be in the 70’s.  We can finally enjoy some spring temps.

New listings this week are consistent.  142 this week compared to 139 the previous week.

Closed listings were slightly up.  183 this week compared to 172 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 8th

Aurora-New 23 $179,900-$725,731

             Closed-29 $152,500-$749,000

Bolingbrook-New 8 $250,000-$575,000

                      Closed-15 $199,000-$849,000

Geneva-New 2 $300,000-$695,000

              Closed-11 $240,000-$1,500,000

Naperville-New 25 $400,000-$1,995,000

                   Closed-30 $285,000-$1,775,135

Plainfield-New 25 $274,900-$769,900

                  Closed-26 $209,000-$525,000

Click on the photo above to see other communities that had activity this week.

new listing price 4 8 23
New listings for week ending April 8th
closed listing price 4 8 23
Closed listings for week ending April 8th

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $420,000, last week $395,000

 Closed median price this week $394,000, last week $391,950.

Stats 040823
Stats for week ending April 8th

Conventional financing was used to close on 133 homes at median price $384,900 with 43 days average market time, last week 116 homes at median price $412,495 with 49 days average market time.

Conv 040823
Conventional financing used to close for week ending April 8th

Cash was used to close on 29 homes this week at median price $445,000 with 57 days average market time, last week 25 homes at median price 366,000 with 37 days average market time.

Cash 040823
Cash used to close for week ending April 8th

FHA financing used to close on 12 homes at median price $326,500 with 64 days average market time, last week 27 homes at median price $320,000 with 38 days average market time.

FHA 040823
FHA financing used to close for week ending April 8th

VA financing used to close on 8 homes at median price $444,995 with 101 days average market time, last week 3 homes at median price 400,000 with 102 days average market time.

VA 040823
VA financing used to close for week ending April 8th

2,000 square feet or more closed on 104 homes at median price $468,750 with 58 days average market time, last week 99 homes at median price $462,000 with 58 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $120,000, last week $270,600.

2000 SF or more 040823
2,000 SF or more for week ending April 8th

Almost 73% or homes accepted and closed this week used Conventional financing.

Under contract this week

Homes under contract this week are down.  154 this week compared to 204 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 8th-Under contract this week

Aurora-34                               Naperville-23

Plainfield-22                           St Charles-11

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 each with a kick-out clause of 72 and 48 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  5 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $396,750 with 30 days average market time, last week $410,000 with 45 days average market time.

Under contract this week 020423
Homes that went under contract for week ending April 8th

2023 by the month


Month                  New   Closed   Under contract

January                 483       326             470

February               630       526             789

March                    535       558             726

April                       142       183             154

Totals                    1790     1593          2139

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.


Click on each bullet point that is underlined to take you to the site for the information.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  The data changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices April 8th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Fox Valley home prices April 1st

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices April 1st.  We had crazy winds and 65° last night and today it is cold and going down to 27°.  Welcome to Spring!

New listings this week were consistent.  139 this week compared to 134 the previous week.

Closed listings were up.  172 this week compared to 131 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 1st

Aurora-New 28 $175,000-$490,000

            Closed-16 $152,000-$661,004

Bolingbrook-New 10 $264,900-$700,000

                      Closed-16 $171,799-$596,000

Montgomery-New 1 $239,900

                       Closed-11 $220,000-$379,900

Naperville-New 23 $365,000-$2,990,000

                  Closed-22 $335,000-$1,614,800

Oswego-New 7 $299,900-$1,395,000

              Closed-16 $245,000-$1,600,000

Plainfield-New 25 $240,000-$649,900

                 Closed-31 $270,000-$650,000

new listing price 4 1 23
New listings for week ending April 1st
closed listing price 4 1 23
Closed listings for week ending April 1st

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $395,000, last week $420,000.

Closed median price this week $391,950, last week $405,000.

Stats 040123
Stats for week ending April 1st

Conventional financing was used to close on 116 homes this week at median price $412,495 with 49 days average market time, last week 90 homes at median price $417,500 with 50 days average market time.

Conv 040123
Conventional financing used to close for week ending April 1st

Cash was used to close on 25 homes this week at median price $366,000 with 37 days average market time, last week 23 homes at median price $399,990 with 56 days average market time.

Cash 040123
Cash used to close for week ending April 1st

FHA financing was used to close on 27 homes this week at median price $320,000 with 38 days average market time, last week 11 homes at median price $325,000 with 46 days average market time.

FHA 040123
FHA financing used to close for week ending April 1st

VA financing was used to close on 3 homes this week at median price $400,000 with 102 average market time, last week 6 homes with median price $378,000 with 49 days average market time.

VA 040123
VA financing used to close for week ending April 1st

2,000 square feet or more closed on 99 homes at median price $462,000 with 58 days average market time, last week 69 homes at median price $470,000 with 58 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $270,000, last week $195,000.

2000 SF or more 040123
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending April 1st

About 67% of homes closed this week used Conventional financing and about 57% were 2,000 SF or more.

Under contract this week

Homes that went under contract this week are consistent.  204 this week compared to 197 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 1st-Under contract this week

Aurora-35                         Batavia-10

Bolingbrook-23                Naperville-28

Oswego-16                       Plainfield-27

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 3 with 48 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause o 48 hours.

Median prices of homes that went under contract this week $410,000 with 45 days average market time, last week median price $400,000 with 60 days average market time.

Under contract 040123
Homes that went under contract for week ending April 1st

2023 by the month and a look back at 2022 and 2021


Month                 New   Closed   Under contract

January                483        326            470

February              630        526            789

March                   555        558            726

Totals                  1668       1410          1985


January                 422        492           623

February               523        520           724

March                    734        904          890

Totals                   1679       1916         2237


January                 543        649           829

February               561         604           778

March                   993        1099         1455

Totals                 2097        2352         3062

New listings continue to decrease.

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update in the Fox Valley area of Illinois.


Click on each bullet point that is underlined to take you to the site for the information.

All data is provided by our MLS, MRED, LLC.  The data changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices April 1st.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


Best Homes Fox Valley 

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Fox Valley home prices March 25th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices March 25th.  We had flurries this morning, but the rest of the week will be in the upper 40’s and up to 63 on Friday.

New listings are consistent.  134 this week compared to 137 the previous week.

Closed listings are also consistent.  131 this week compared to 137 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices March 25th

Aurora-New 20 $169,000-$625,000

             Closed-18 $140,000-$566,000

Bolingbrook-New 11 $249,900-$439,000

                      Closed-3 $315,000-$384,000

Naperville-New 33 $335,000-$1,450,000

                   Closed-25 $291,000-$1,000,000

Oswego-New 7 $190,000-$725,000

                Closed-11 $200,000-$475,000

Plainfield-New 21 $250,000-$762,900

                  Closed-17 $285,000-$875,000

St Charles-New 10 $219,900-$2,100,000

                   Closed-10 $230,000-$860,000

new listing 3 25 23
New listings for week ending March 25th
closed listing 3 25 23
Closed listings for week ending March 25th








Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $420,000, last week $399,900

Closed median price this week $405,000, last week $360,000

Stats 032523
Stats for week ending March 25th

Conventional financing was used to close on 90 homes this week with a median price $417,500 with 50 days average market time, last week 105 homes at median price $392,000 with 61 days average market time.

Conv 032523
Conventional financing used to close for week ending March 25th

Cash was used to close on 23 homes this week at median price $399,990 with 56 days average market time, last week 15 homes at median price $280,000 with 41 days average market time.

Cash 032523
Cash used to close for week ending March 25th

FHA financing was used to close on 11 homes this week at median price $325,000 with 46 days average market time, last week 13 homes at median price $265,000 with 48 days average market time.

FHA 032523
FHA financing used to close for week ending March 25th

VA financing was used to close on 6 homes this week at median price $378,000 with 49 days average market time, last week  4 homes at median price $437,500 with 35 days average market time.

VA 032523
VA financing used to close for week ending March 25th

2,000 square feet or more closed on 69 homes this week at median price $470,000 with 58 days average market time, last week 79 homes at median price $476,500 with 64 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $195,000, last week $140,000.

Almost 69% of homes closed using Conventional financing.

Homes under contract this week

Homes that went under contract this week are up.  197 this week compared to 153 the previous week.

Fox Vally home prices March 25th-under contract this week

Aurora-35                               Batavia-10

Bolingbrook-18                       Geneva-10

Naperville-23                          Oswego-13

Plainfield-27                            Yorkville-10

One short sale was accepted this week.  It was in Montgomery.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  2 each with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 48 hours and also 24 hours.

Also, sellers accepted a contract that is contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 1 with  a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

Seller accepted contingency 032523
Seller accepted contingency for week ending March 25th

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $400,000 with 60 days average market time, last week median price $389,900 with 46 days average market time.

Under contract stats 032523
Under contract stats for week ending March 25th

2023 by the month

Month                 New   Closed   Under contract

January                483        326             470

February              630        526             789

March                   416        386             522

Totals                  1529      1238            1781

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2022 and 2021 so you can see how this year is going.


Click on each bullet point to take you to the site for the information. Let us know if there is other information you are looking for. We will be happy to point you in the right direction.

All data is provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices March 25th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101



 Fox Valley home prices March 18th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices March 18th. We are back to winter today with it only in the 20’s.  Next week we will be back in the upper 40’s and lower 50’s.

New listings  are down.  137 this week compared to 145 the previous week.

Closed listings are up.  137 this week compared to 118 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices March 18th

Aurora-New 18 $130,000-$495,000

             Closed-25 $154,900-$630,698

Bolingbrook-New 9 $325,000-$801,500

                      Closed-14 $255,000-$655,000

Naperville-New 26 $339,900-$2,395,000

                   Closed-24 $355,000-$1,350,000

Plainfield-New 24 $265,000-$795,000

                  Closed-15 $317,500-$875,000

St Charles-New 5 $579,000-$999,900

                  Closed-10 $260,000-$689,517

New listings for the week ending March 18th
Closed listings for the week ending March 18th


Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $399,900, last week $412,000

Closed median price this week $360,000, last week $347,500.

Stats 031823
Stats for week ending March 18th

Conventional financing was used to close on 105 homes this week at median price $392,000 with 61 days average market time, last week 91 homes at median price $380,000 with 59 days average market time.

Conv 031823
Conventional financing used to close for week ending March 18th

Cash was used to close on 15 homes this week at median price $280,000 with 41 days average market time, last week 14 homes at median price $377,500 with 49 days average market time.

Cash 031823
Cash used to close for week ending March 18th

FHA financing was used to close on 13 homes this week at median price $265,000 with 48 days average market time, last week 11 homes at median price $226,500 with 52 days average market time.

FHA 031823
FHA financing used to close for week ending March 18th

VA financing used to close on 4 homes this week at median price $437,500 with 35 days average market time, last week 3 homes at median price $447,500 with 17 days average market time.

VA 031823
VA financing used to close for week ending March 18th

2,000 square feet or more closed on 79 homes this week at median price $476,500 with 64 days average market time, last week 67 homes at median price $447,500 with 65 days average market time. Minimum price this week $140,000, last week $220,000.

2000 SF or more 031823
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending March 18th

Conventional financing continues to be the financing choice to use to get your offer accepted.

Homes under contract this week

Home under contract this week are down.  153 this week compared to 172 the previous week

Fox Valley home prices March 18th-homes under contract this week

Aurora-15                              Naperville-32

Oswego-12                            Plainfield-33

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 2 with 48 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 1 each with a kick-out clause of 72, 48, and 24 hours.

seller accepted contingency
Seller accepted contracts with contingencies for week ending March 18th

Homes under contract this week had a median price $389,900 with 46 days average market time, last week median price $407,500 with 49 days average market time.

Under contract 031823
Homes under contract for week ending March 18th

2023 by the month

Month                      New   Closed   Under contract

January                     483        326             470

February                   630        526             789

March                        282        255             325

Totals                      1395        1107           1584

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2022 and 2021.


Click on each bullet point to take you to the site for the information.

Let us know if there is other information that you are looking for.  We will be happy to point you in the right direction.

All data used is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices March 18th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices March 11th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices March 11th.  We are still on a rollercoaster with the temps.  We have gone from Monday in the 60’s to snow.

New listings this week are up.  145 this week compared to 127 the previous week.

Closed listings are down.  118 this week compared to 144 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices March 11th

Aurora-New 6 $195,000-$345,000

             Closed-13 $148,000-$330,000

Bolingbrook-New 8 $299,900-$849,000

                      Closed-12 $220,000-$492,500

Naperville-New 28 $289,900-$2,390,000

                   Closed-21 $320,000-$1,225,000

Plainfield-New 29 $275,000-$766,255

                  Closed-17 $220,000-$609,873

Yorkville-New 10 $350,000-$695,000

                Closed-7 $240,000-$519,900

Other communities had activity this week.  Click on the photo above to see the price ranges in those communities.

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $412,000, last week $400,000

Closed median price this week $347,500, last week $374,495.

Stats 031123
Stats for week ending March 11th

Conventional financing was used to close on 91 homes at median price $380,000 with 59 days average market time, last week 99 homes at median price $401,000 with 50 days average market time.

Conv 031123
Conventional financing used to close for week ending March 11th

Cash was used to close on 14 homes this week at a median price $377,500 with 49 days average market time, last week 16 homes at median price $355,000 with 36 days average market time.

Cash 031123
Cash used to close for week ending March 11th

FHA financing was used to close on 11 homes this week at median price $226,500 with 52 days average market time, last week 21 homes at median price $300,000 with 77 days average market time.

FHA 031123
FHA financing used to close for week ending March 11th

VA financing was used to close on 3 homes this week at median price $447,500 with 17 days average market time, last week 6 homes at median price $346,500 with 62 days average market time.

VA 031123
VA financing used to close for week ending March 11th

2,000 square feet or more closed on 67 homes this week at median price $447,500 with 65 days average market time, last week 86 homes at median price $432,950 with 55 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $220,000, last week $168,000.

2000 SF or more 031123
2,000 SF or more for week ending March 11th

77% of the homes closed used conventional financing.  Almost 57% of the homes closed were at least 2,000 sf.

Under contract this week

Homes that went under contract this week are up.  172 this week compared to 147 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices March 11th-Under contract this week

Aurora-22                         Bolingbrook-13

Naperville-34                   Oswego-11

Plainfield-24                     Yorkville-10

1 short sale was accepted by a seller this week.  It was in Yorkville.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts this week that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 5 with 48 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $407,500 with 49 days average market time, last week $399,000 with 55 days average market time.

Under contract stats 031123
Stats for homes that went under contract for week ending March 11th

2023 by the month

Month                 New   Closed   Under contract

January                483        326           470

February              630        526           789

March                   145         118            172

Totals                 1258         970          1431

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also look back at 2022 and 2021 so you have something to compare to see how this year is going.


Click on each underlined bullet point to take you to the site for the information.

When you sign-up for email alerts you can receive an email as soon as a home hits the market so you don’t miss out on a thing.  If you let us know what you are looking for we can also let you know about homes that are “coming soon” to the market.

All data provided today is from our MLS. MRED, LLC.  It changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices March 11th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker


Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices February 18th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices February 18th.  New listings, closed listings, median prices, financing used to close, under contract, 2023 by the month, and some great resources.

New listings this week are up.  169 this week compared to 106 the previous week.

Closed listings are slightly up.  88 this week compare to 80 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices February 18th

Aurora-New 24 $149,900-$749,000

             Closed-16 $130,000-$520,458

Bolingbrook-New 10 $265,000-$674,900

                    Closed-8 $227,000-$330,000

Naperville-New 30 $275,000-$12,750,000

                  Closed-10 $290,000-$3,075,000

Oswego-New 12 $324,500-$1,299,000

              Closed-7 $211,700-$455,000

Plainfield-New 25 $279,000-$683,910

                 Closed-16 $216,000-$635,968

Click on the photo above to see other communities with activity this week.

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $399,990, last week $399,949.

Closed median price this week $339,000, last week $346,250.

Stats 021823
Stats for week ending February 18th

Conventional financing used to close on 61 homes this week at median price $355,000 with 65 days average market time, last week 55 homes at median price $345,500 with 48 days average market time.

Conv 021823
Conventional financing used to close for week ending February 18th

Cash was used to close on 19 homes this week with a median price of $270,000 with 69 days average market time, last week 13 homes at median price $435,000 with 34 days average market time.

Cash 021823
Cash used to close for week ending February 18th

FHA financing was used to close on 6 homes this week at median price $306,500 with 72 days average market time, last week 8 homes at median price $242,500 with 50 days average market time.

FHA 021823
FHA financing used to close for the week ending February 18th

VA financing was used to close on 1 house this week $423,990 with 53 days average market time, last week 4 homes at median price $487,000 with 48 days average market time.

VA 021823
VA financing used to close for week ending February 18th

2,000 square feet or more close on 51 homes this week at median price $450,000 with 63 days average market time, last week 40 homes at median price $475,000 with 55 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $108,000, last week $190,100

2000 SF or more 021823
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending February 18th

Conventional financing continues to be the financing  to chose.

Homes under contract this week

Homes that went under contract this week are consistent.  152 this week compared to 159 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices February 18th-Under contract this week

Aurora-21                             Naperville-31

Oswego-14                            Plainfield-20

Click on the photo above to see other communities that seller’s accepted contracts this week.

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 4 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  5 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours and 2 with 24 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $391,950 with 54 days average market time, last week median price $369,900 with 58 days average market time.

Under Contract Stats 021823
Under contract stats for week ending February 18th

2023 by the month

Month            New   Closed   Under contract

January                 483        326           470

February               383        279           476

Totals             866     605       946

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of the month we will also show you 2022 and 2021 so you can see how this year is going.


Click on each bullet point to take you to the information.

Check with your loan office to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and other information they will provide to you.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices February 18th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices February 11th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices February 11th.  It feels like Spring!  It was 46° today and getting into the lower 50’s this next week.

New listings this week were consistent.  106 this week compared to 108 the previous week.

Closed listings were down this week.  80 this week compared to 111 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices February 11th

Aurora-New $163,000-$550,000

             Closed-11 $220,000-$965,000

Naperville-New 25 $299,000-$1,699,000

                   Closed-12 $325,000-$1,250,000

Oswego-New 10 $250,000-$676,000

               Closed-3 $340,000-$450,000

Plainfield-New 13 $299,900-$1,095,000

                  Closed-8 $190,100-$627,256

Click on the photo above to see other communities that had activity this week.

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $399,949, last week $385,000

Closed median price this week $346,250, last week $352,335

Stats 021123
Stats for week ending February 11th

Conventional financing was used to close on 55 homes this week at median price $345,500 with 48 days average market time, last week 81 homes at median price $385,000 with 63 days average market time.

Conv 021123
Conventional financing used to close for week ending February 11th

Cash was used to close on 13 homes this week at median price $435,000 with 34 days average market time, last week 11 homes at median price $190,000 with 58 days average market time.

Cash 021123
Cash used to close for week ending February 11th

FHA financing was used to close on 8 homes this week at median price $242,500 with 50 days average market time, last week 13 homes at median price $295,000 with 64 days average market time.

FHA 021123
FHA financing used to close for week ending February 11th

VA financing was used to close on 4 homes this week at median price $487,000 with 48 days average market time, last week 6 homes at median price $428,750 with 59 days average market time.

VA 021123
VA financing used to close for week ending February 11th

2,000 Square feet or more closed on 40 homes this week at median price $475,000 with 55 days average market time, last week 67 homes at median price $421,250 with 70 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $190,000, last week $152,000.

2000 SF or more 021123
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending February 11th

Homes under contract this week

Homes under contract this week are just slightly down.  159 this week compared to 165 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices February 11th-Under contract this week

Aurora-24                           Geneva-13

Naperville-18                      Oswego-11

Plainfield-23                       St Charles-10

3 short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  1 each in Aurora, Bolingbrook, and West Chicago.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 1 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, and also 3 with 48 hours.

Median price of homes under contract this week $369,900 with 58 days average market time, last week median price $369,900 with 59 days average market time.

Under Contract 021123
Median price of homes under contract for the week ending February 11th

2023 by the month

Month                           New   Closed   Under contract

January                          483       326             470

February                         214       191              324

Totals                             697       517              794

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2022 and 2021 so you can see how this year is going.


Click on each of the bullet points to take you to the site for the information.  If you are looking for other information let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

Ask your loan officer what rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and other things that they will explain to you.

All data provided today is downloaded from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes throughout the day.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices February 11th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley 

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices February 4th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices February 4th.  We still have snow on the ground.  Not too much.  We should hover around 40° starting today and through this next week.

New listings this week are down.  108 this week compared to 127 the previous week.

Closed listings are down slightly.  111 this week compared to 98 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices February 4th

 Aurora-New 8 $179,900-$325,000

              Closed-17 $175,000-$674,000

Bolingbrook-New 9 $239,900-$479,900

                      Closed-11 $185,000-$420,000

Naperville-New 15 $299,900-$875,000

                   Closed-13 $297,999-$830,000

Plainfield-New 18 $219,900-$825,000

                  Closed-16 $140,000-$670,000

Yorkville-New 5 $399,900-$565,000

                Closed-11 $311,500-$569,000

Click on the photo above to see other communities with activity this week.

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $385,000, last week $399,990.  (I had to go back in and download this a couple hours later so by then there were 3 more new listings added for this week.) 

Closed listings median price this week $352,335, last week $387,950.

Stats 020423
Stats for week ending February 4th.

Conventional financing was used to close on 81 homes this week at median price $385,000 with 63 days average market time, last week 72 homes at median price $429,250 with 45 days average market time.

Conv 020423
Conventional financing used to close for week ending February 4th.

Cash was used to close on 11 homes this week at median price $190,000 with 58 days average market time, last week 14 homes at  median price $304,762 with 40 days average market time.

Cash 020423
Cash used to close for week ending February 4th.

FHA financing used to close this week on 13 homes at median price $295,000 with 64 days average market time, last week 10 homes at median price $328,795 with 91 days average market time.

FHA 020423
FHA financing used to close for week ending February 4th.

VA financing was used to close on 6 homes this week at median price $428,750 with 59 days average market time, last week 3 homes at median price $433,500 with 64 days average market time.

VA 020423
VA financing used to close for week ending February 4th.

2,000 SF or more closed on 67 homes at median price $421,250 with 70 days average market time, last week 61 homes at median price $480,000 with 62 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $152,000, last week median price $309,500.

2000 SF or more 020423
Homes that were at least 2,000 SF or more closed for week ending February 4th.

Homes under contract this week

Under contract this week were slightly up.  165 this week compared to 158 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices February 4th-Under contract this week

Aurora-24                           Bolingbrook-18

Naperville-24                      Oswego-12

Plainfield-25                        Yorkville-11

Click on the photo above to see other communities that had homes that went under contract this week.

3 short sales were accepted this week by seller’s. 1 each in Bolingbrook, Montgomery, and Somonauk.  Now they will go to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 4 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $369,900 with 59 days average market time, last week median price $387,450 with 68 hours average market time.

Under contract this week 020423
Homes that went under contract for week ending February 4th.

2023 by the month

Month               New   Closed   Under contract

January              483        326            470

February            108          111            165   

Totals                 591         437            635

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of the month we will also take a look back at 2022 and 2021 so you have something to compare this year to.


Click on each of the bullet points to take you to the site for the information.  Let us know if you are looking for other information and we will point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer for the interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and other things that they will explain to you.  Get all your financial information to them as quickly as you can, so they can get started on the approval process   You might have things you have to work on and now is the time to do that before you find a home.  Once this process is over you can be confident on the price range you are looking in.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes throughout the day.

Fox Valley home prices February 4th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

 Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail