Fox Valley home prices November 26th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices November 26th.  I hope everyone enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.  It is a short week this week since the holiday.

We will update you on how many new listings, closed, contracts accepted, 2022 by the month, resources, and how to get in touch with us.

New listings are down.  80 this week compared to 126 the previous week.

Closed listings were also down.  112 this week compared to 176 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices November 26th

Aurora-New 25 $95,000-$672,900

             Closed-15 $172,500-$618,000

Bolingbrook-New 6 $299,000-$424,900

                      Closed-10 $240,000-$887,939

Naperville-New 5 $340,000-$1,019,000

                   Closed-17 $301,000-$1,400,000

Plainfield-New 13 $260,000-$740,900

                 Closed-18 $290,000-$650,000

Other communities had activity this week.  We are just highlighting the ones with the most activity.  Look at photo above for other community activity and prices.

Financing used, median price, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $364,900, last week $392,449.

Closed median price this week $382,495, last week $401,500.

Stats 112622
Stats for week ending November 26th

Conventional financing was used to close on 79 homes this week at median price $415,000 with 35 days average market time, last week 128 homes with median price $415,750 with 40 days average market time.

Conv 112622
Conventional financing used to close for week ending November 26th

Cash was used to close on 9 homes this week with a median price $475,000 with 26 days average market time, last week 26 homes at median price $415,500 with 28 days average market time.

Cash 112622
Cash used to close for week ending November 26th

FHA financing was used to close on 19 homes this week at median price $300,000 with 47 days average market time, last week 16 homes at median price $296,250 with 29 days average market time.

FHA 112622
FHA financing used to close for week ending November 26th

VA financing was used to close on 5 homes this week with median price $340,000 with 34 days average market time, last week 6 homes with median price $359,949 with 27 days average market time.

VA 112622
VA financing used to close for week ending November 26th

2,000 square feet or more closed on 69 homes at median price $460,000 with 34 days average market time, last week 108 homes at median price $484,750 with 38 days average market time.  Minimum price this week closed at $267,000, last week minimum price was $280,000.

2000 SF or more 112622
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending November 26th

Conventional financing continues to be the choice for loans.

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week are consistent even in a short week.  132 this week compared to 128 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices November 26th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-27                 Naperville-23

Plainfield-20            St Charles-10

Other communities had activity.  We are just highlighting the ones with the most activity.  Look at picture above for communities with activity.

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  4 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 2 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $375,000 with 54 days average market time, last week median price $331,450 with 40 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 112622
Homes that went under contract for week ending November 26th

2022 by the month

Month                     New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                    422       492            623

February                  523       520            724

March                       734       904           890

April                        1168       966          1334

May                         1101       893           806

June                         1295     1409          1234

July                           955       932           908

August                    1019       1134         1062

September                730        733          698

October                     699        612          646

November                 469        587          512

Totals                       9155      9182        9437

All the numbers are pretty tight. No extra new listings hanging around.  They are getting sold.

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of the month we will also look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year compares.  We will do this next week.  Monday and Tuesday should have a lot of closings because of the holiday this week.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the site for the information.

Check with your loan officer for the interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and other things that they will explain to you.

IHDA programs might not be offering anything right now, but  I am leaving it there just in case they start another program.

All data provided today is from our Multiple Listing Service, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day.

You can also connect with us onfacebook and search for homes there by clicking on the “shop now” button.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices November 26th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail 

Fox Valley home prices November 19th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices November 19th.  We have had snow flurries the last few days here in the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  Nothing that sticks though.  Today should be the coldest day and then temperatures will go up and should be 52° by Thanksgiving Day.

We will highlight the communities with the most activity for new and closed prices, financing used, median prices, contracts accepted this week, and 2022 by the month.

New listings this week were pretty consistent.  126 this week compared to 122 the previous week.

Closed listings were up.  176 this week compared to 117 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices November 19th

Aurora-New 19 $167,500-$589,000

             Closed-25 $125,000-$530,000

Bolingbrook-New 9 $249,900-$550,000

                      Closed-16 $210,000-$816,929

Geneva-New 3 $310,000-$355,000

              Closed-13 $270,000-$740,000

Naperville-New 25 $317,999-$1,699,900

                   Closed-23 $301,000-$981,000

Plainfield-New 17 $214,900-$646,549

                  Closed-25 $200,000-$1,232,271

St Charles-New 7 $225,000-$525,000

                   Closed-11 $370,000-$965,000

Take a look at the photo above for activity in other communities this week.

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $392,449, last week $375,000

Closed median price this week $401,500, last week $358,000

Stats 111922
Stats for week ending November 19th

Conventional financing was used to close 128 homes at median price $415,750 with 40 days average market time, last week 76 homes at median price $375,806 with 40 days average market time.

Conv 111922
Conventional financing used to close for week ending November 19th

Cash was used to close on 26 homes this week at median price $415,500 with 28 days average market time, last week 17 homes at median price $345,000 with 97 days average market time.

Cash 111922
Cash used to close for week ending November 19th

FHA financing was used to close 16 homes this week at median price $296,250 with 29 days average market time, last week 18 homes at median price $305,955 with 41 das average market time.

FHA 111922
FHA financing used to close for week ending November 19th

VA financing was used to close on 6 homes this week at median price $359,949 with 27 days average market time, last week 3 homes at median price $385,000 with 5 days average market time.

VA 111922
VA financing used to close for week ending November 19th

2,000 square feet or more closed on 108 homes this week at median price $484,750 with 38 days average market time, last week 66 homes at median price $459,995 with 48 days average market time.  Minimum price this week for a 2,000 SF or more was $280,000, last week $235,000.

2000 SF or more 111922
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending November 19th

Conventional financing continues to be the financing most seller’s are looking for and buyer’s are using. 

2022 by the month

Month                     New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                    422       492               623

February                  523       520               724

March                       734      904               890

April                        1168      966              1334

May                         1101      893               806

June                         1295    1409              1234

July                           955      932               908

August                    1019     1134              1062

September               730       733               698

October                    699       612               646

November                389       475               380

Totals                     9035     9070             9305

New listings are getting lower and they are selling.  If you need to sell it is still a good time.

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year is going.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined.  It will take you to the site for the information.  We try to share the information that you might be looking for.  If there is other information that is not listed here let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and other things.  They will explain it to you.

Now is a good time to check into down payment assistance and IHDA programs.

Connect with us onFacebook you can also search for a home there by clicking on “shop now.”

All data provided today is from our Multiple listing service, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day as agents upload their information of new listings, price changes, contract accepted or back on the market.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices November 19th.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Fox Valley home prices November 5th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices November 5th.  It is the first week in November and the weather is still mild.  We will show you the home prices in the most active communities in the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  The financing most used to close a home, median prices, and 2022 by the month.

New listings this week were down.  141 this week compared to 152 the week previously.  

Closed listings were up.  182 this week compared to 144 the week previously.

Fox Valley home prices November 5th

Aurora-New 24 $159,900-$585,000

            Closed-28 $150,000-$725,000

Bolingbrook-New 10 $264,999-$619,995

                     Closed-19 $181,000-$775,000

Geneva-New 11 $300,000-$629,000

             Closed-9 $310,000-$1,049,000

Naperville-New 25 $323,900-$3,000,000

                   Closed-24 $282,500-$1,196,000

Plainfield-New 15 $219,900-$595,000

                 Closed-25 $217,000-$946,746

St Charles-New $250,000-$825,000

                  Closed-18 $285,000-$2,500,000

Yorkville-New 12 $199,900-$794,900

                Closed-7 $62,500-$575,000

More communities had activity this week.  Click on the photo above to see.

Financing used, median prices, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $369,900, last week $389,999

Closed median price this week $355,000, last week $375,000.

Stats 110522
Stats for week ending November 5th

Conventional financing was used to close on 118 homes at median price $375,525 with 44 days average market time, last week 89 homes at median list price $400,000 with 37 days average market time.

Conv 110522
Conventional financing used to close for week ending November 5th

Cash was used to close on 29 homes at median price $353,000 with 37 days average market time, last week 24 homes at median price $390,00 with 24 days average market time.

Cash 110522
Cash used to close for week ending November 5th

FHA financing was used to close on 24 homes at median price $310,000 with 40 days average market time, last week 19 homes at median price $298,900 with 38 days average market time.

FHA 110522
FHA financing used to close for week ending November 5th

VA financing was used to close on 9 homes at median price $355,000 with 79 days average market time, last week 9 homes at median price $375,000 with 15 days average market time.

VA 110522
VA financing used to close for week ending November 5th

2,000 SF or more closed on 93 homes at median price $455,000 with 48 days average market time, last week 88 homes at median price $464,994 with 35 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $237,000, last week $200,000.

2000 SF or more 110522
2,000 SF or more homes closed for week ending November 5th

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted by seller’s this week are down.  119 this week compared to 156 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices November 5th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-17                         Naperville-15

Plainfield-18                    St Charles-14

1 short sale was accepted by a seller.  It was in Plainfield.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 2 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, a seller accepted a contract that is contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours.

Medium price of homes that went under contract this week $379,900 with 51 days average market time, last week $369,450 with 45 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 110522
Contingent Stats for week ending November 5th

2022 by the month

Month                    New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                   422       492              623

February                 523       520              724

March                     734       904              890

April                      1168       966             1334

May                       1101       893              806

June                       1295     1409             1234

July                         955       932              908

August                  1019      1134             1062

September             730       733               698

October                  699       612               646

November              141        182                119

Totals                  8787      8777             9044

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we will look back at 2021 and 2020 so you have something to compare to.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the site for the information. If there is other information you are looking for let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and some other things.  They can explain it to you.

Look for us on Facebook and give us a “like.”  If you click on the button “shop now” you can search for homes.  There is a down arrow so you can search different criteria.

All data provided is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  The data changes continuously throughout the day as agents upload their information.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices November 5th.  have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices October 29th

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices October 29th.  It is the end of the month so we will show you 2022, 2021, and 2020 so you can see how this year is going.  We will also show you the communities with the most activity this week, median prices, financing used to close, and contracts accepted this week.

New Listings this week were down.  152 this week compared to 174 the previous week.

Closed listings this week were also down.  144 this week compared to 154 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices October 29th  

Aurora-New 24 $140,000-$630,269

             Closed-20 $185,000-$800,000

Bolingbrook-New 9 $239,900-$649,900

                      Closed-11 $185,000-$481,000

Montgomery-New 5 $200,000-$344,900

                       Closed-10 $219,900-$415,000

Naperville-New 24 $379,000-$1,250,000

                   Closed-22 $305,250-$1,290,000

Plainfield-New 24 $245,000-$584,740

                 Closed-22 $206,000-$615,740

St Charles-New 10 $234,900-$1,325,000

                  Closed-13 $298,900-$815,000

Yorkville-New 11 $278,000-$535,000

                Closed-2 $260,000-$396,125

Financing used to close, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $389,999, last week $375,950

Closed median price this week $375,000, last week $338,000.

Stats 102922
Stats for week ending October 29th

Conventional financing was used to close on 89 homes this week at median price $400,000 with 37 days average market time, last week 107 homes at median price $350,000 with 33 days average market time.

Conv 102922
Conventional financing used to close for week ending October 29th

Cash was used to close on 24 homes this week at median price $390,000 with 24 days average market time, last week also 24 homes at median price $370,000 with 35 days average market time.

Cash 102922
Cash used to close for week ending October 29th

FHA financing was used to close on 19 homes at median price $298,900 with 38 days average market time, last week 16 homes at median price $272,290 with 24 days average market time.

FHA 102922
FHA financing used to close for week ending October 29th

VA financing was used to close on 9 homes this week at median price $375,000 with 15 days average market time, last week 8 homes at median price $287,000 with 23 days average market time.

VA 102922
VA financing used to close for week ending October 29th

2,000 Square feet or more closed on 88 homes at median price $464,994 with 35 days average market time, last week 75 homes at median price $435,000 with 34 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $200,000, last week $230,000.

2000 Sf or more 102922
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending October 29th

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week are consistent.  156 this week compared to 160 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices October 29th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-23                            Bolingbrook-16

Naperville-19                       Oswego-10


3 short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  1 each in Lake Holiday, Montgomery, and Plainfield.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 2 with 48 hours, and also 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours, and 3 with 24 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $369,450 with 45 days average market time, last week median price $352,500 with 39 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 102922
Contingent stats for week ending October 29th

2022 by the month and a look back at 2021 and 2020


Month                      New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                     422        492            623

February                   523        520            724

March                       734         904           890

April                        1168         966          1334

May                         1101         893           806

June                         1295       1409          1234

July                           955         932           908

August                    1019        1134          1062

September               730          733           698

October                   699           612           646

Totals                    8646         8595        8925


January                   543          649           829

February                 561          604            778

March                     993         1099          1455

April                     1006           926          1387

May                      1088          1288         1289

June                      1450          1686          1671

July                        1118           1182          1210

August                  1109          1203           1170

September            1083          1411            1251

October                   715           973             930

Totals                   9666        11021           11970


January                 1105           566            858

February               1267           529           1024

March                    1186           707           1079

April                       648           786             775

May                       1352         1010           1444

June                       1232           908           1534

July                        1417          1453           1852

August                  1037          1335           1436

September             1176          1503           1503

October                   843           1116           1159

Totals                   11263          9913         12664

2021 was the best for closed homes.  You can see how tight this year has been with new listings.

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we take a look back at 2021 and 2020.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the information.  If there is something we do not have listed that you are looking for just let us know.  We would be happy to  point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score a some other things they can explain to you.

You can also connect with us onFacebook.  You will also be able to search for homes there by clicking on the “shop now” button anytime you like.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day as agents upload information.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices October 29th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 Ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices October 22nd

Best Homes Fox Valley Home Prices Header

Fox Valley home prices October 22nd.  We are having a gorgeous weekend here in Illinois.  It has been cooler later so 80 today and 76 tomorrow is very welcome.

We will highlight the communities with the most activity this week, show you median prices, financing used, and 2022 by the month so you can see how the year is going.

New listings this week are consistent.  174 this week compared to 173 the previous week.

Closed listing this week were up.  154 this week compared to 132 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices October 22nd

Aurora-New 17 $170,000-$649,900

             Closed-24 $125,000-$475,000

Bolingbrook-New 10 $200,000-$470,000

                      Closed-12 $200,000-$674,850

Geneva-New 10 $450,000-$865,000

              Closed-6 $287,500-$640,000

Montgomery-New 11 $220,000-$417,000

                       Closed-9 $163,000-$407,000

Naperville-New 27 $375,000-$10,500,000

                   Closed-16 $300,000-$1,575,000

Plainfield-New 22 $249,900-$1,425,000

                  Closed-21 $180,000-$583,021

St Charles-New 10 $249,900-$1,150,000


Yorkville-New 14 $254,900-$995,000

                Closed-7 $240,000-$480,000

You can see other communities in the picture above that also had activity this week.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $376,950, last week $383,585

Closed median price this week $338,000, last week $361,000.

Stats 102222
Stats for week ending October 22nd

Conventional financing was used to close on 107 homes this week at median price $350,000 with 33 days average market time, last week 85 homes at median price $405,000 with 31 days average market time.

Conv 102222
Conventional financing used to close for week ending October 22nd

Cash was used to close on 24 homes this week with a median price $370,000 with 35 days average market time, last week 11 homes with median price $390,000 with 26 days average market time.

Cash 102222
Cash used to close for week ending October 22nd

FHA financing was used to close on 16 homes at median price $272,290 with 24 days average market time, last week 22 homes at median price $305,000 with 20 days average market time.

FHA 102222
FHA financing used to close for week ending October 22nd

VA financing was used to close on 8 homes with median price $287,000 with 23 days average market time, last week 13 homes at median price $357,000 with 38 days average market time.

VA 102222
VA financing used to close for week ending October 22nd

2,000 square feet or more closed on 75 homes with median price $435,000 with 34 days average market time, last week 74 homes at median price $472,500 with 35 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $230,000, last week $265,000.

2000 SF or more 102222
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending October 22nd

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week week exactly the same as the week before.  160 for both weeks.

Fox Valley home prices October 22nd-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-29                           Bolingbrook-13

Naperville-26                     Plainfield-12

No short sales accepted this week.

Seller’s accepted a contract that is contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 5 with 48 hours.  There was also 1 that did not mark how many hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $352,500 with 39 days average market time, last week median price $350,000 with 44 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 102222
Contingent stats for week ending October 22nd

2022 by the month

Month                    New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                   422        492             623

February                 523        520             724

March                      734       904             890

April                       1168       966            1334

May                        1101       893             806

June                        1295     1409            1234

July                          955       932              908

August                   1019      1134             1062

September              730        733              698

October                   547        468              490     

Totals                   8494       8451            8769

New listings are slower to come on the market but they are still selling.  Interest rates have increased so it might make a difference on the price of home that buyer’s are looking at.  Different types of loans are starting to pop up.  You really want to go over them and compare so you understand how they work.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the site for the information.

 Check with your loan officer to see what interest rates you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score and other things.

If there is information that you are looking for just let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes constantly throughout the day.

You can also connect with us on Facebook and if you click on the “shop now” button you can search for homes from there anytime you like.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.

Fox Valley home prices October 22nd.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Kriss Picture 012819 3 Thumb nail

Fox Valley home prices September 24th

Fox Valley home prices September 24th.  We will show you the home prices for new listings, closed, contracts accepted, median prices, financing used and 2022 by the month.

New listings this week were up.  185 this week compared to 160 the previous week.

Closed listings were consistent.  172 this week compared to 177 the previous week.

Fox Valley homes prices September 24th

Aurora-New 20 $185,000-$719,000

             Closed-21 $122,000-$680,000

Bolingbrook-New 12 $165,000-469,000

                      Closed-20 $234,500-$775,000

Geneva-New 12 $255,000-$825,000

              Closed-11 $325,000-$707,100

Naperville-New 21 $322,000-$1,600,000

                   Closed-19 $315,000-$1,065,000

Plainfield-New 20 $237,000-$1,175,000

                  Closed-25 $255,900-$1,550,000

St Charles-New 21 $275,000-$1,699,000

                  Closed-10 $315,000-$925,000

Yorkville-New 14 $249,900-$595,000

                Closed-12 $189,000-$740,000

These are the communities with the most activity this week.  You can click on the photo above to see other communities that also had activity.

You might want to adjust what community you are looking in based on price ranges.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median price this week $399,000, last week $389,900

Closed median price this week $385,450, last week $385,000

Stats 092422
Stats for week ending September 24th

Conventional financing was used to close on 121 homes this week at median price $400,000 with 27 days average market time, last week 121 homes at median price $399,122 with 28 days average market time.

Conv 092422
Conventional financing used to close for week ending September 24th

Cash was used to close on 23 homes at median price $440,000 with 32 days average market time, last week 27 homes at median price $424,500 with 38 days average market time.

Cash 092422
Cash used to close for week ending September 24th

FHA financing was used to close on 22 homes at median price $315,000 with 24 days average market time, last week 27 homes at median price $295,000 with 26 days average market time.

FHA 092422
FHA financing used to close for week ending September 24th

VA financing was used to close on 5 homes at median price $290,000 with 15 days average market time, last week 3 homes at median price $414,000 with 24 days average market time.

VA 092422
VA financing used to close for week ending September 24th

86 homes closed that were at least 2,000 square feet or more at median price $490,000 with 33 days average market time, last week 100 homes at median price $450,000 with 30 days average market time.  Minimum price for 2,000 SF or more this week $234,000, last week $280,000.

2000 SF or more 092422
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending September 24th

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week  were up.  190 this week compared to 169 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 24th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-42                            Montgomery-14

Naperville-24                      Plainfield-28

St Charles-14                       Yorkville-11

Click on the photo to see other communities that seller’s accepted contracts this week.

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  4 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 2 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 1 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Median price for homes that went under contract this week $367,450 with 50 days average market time, last week median price $364,900 with 41 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 092422
Median price of homes that went under contract for week ending September 24th

2022 by the month

Month                    New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                   422       492               623

February                 523       520               724

March                     734       904               890

April                      1168       966              1334

May                       1101       893               806

June                       1295     1409              1234

July                         955       932               908

August                  1019      1134              1062

September              561       486                530

Totals                    7778      7736               8111

So far in September there is more new listings than closed, but almost the same that went under contract.  When this triangle shifts prices will either go up or down.

Next week is the last week of the month so we will also take a look back at 2021 and 2020 to compare how this year is going.

Check back with us every Saturday for the market update here in the Fox Valley area of Illinois.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the site for the information.  Let us know if you are looking for other information not listed.  We would be happy to point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer to see what rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.

To begin searching for a home you need to get pre-qualified with a loan officer, and it is best if you go ahead and get approved so you know when you do find a home that there will be no problems with the loan if it appraises out and no title issues.  No last minute issues.

It is still a good time to sell.  Let us know if you have questions.

You can also connect with us on Facebook and if you click on the “shop now” you can search for homes there.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Fox Valley home prices September 24th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101


Fox Valley home prices September 17th

Fox Valley home prices

Fox Valley home prices September 17th.  We will update you on the new listings, closed, contracts accepted, median prices, and financing used for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  We will also take a look back at 2022 by the month.

New listings are down.  160 this week compared to 216 the previous week.

Closed listings are up.  177 this week compared to 137 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 17th

Aurora-New 25 $155,000-$590,000

             Closed-29 $106,500-$493,100

Bolingbrook-New 11 $254,000-$849,000

                      Closed-21 $250,000-$623,938

Naperville-New 17 $323,900-$1,995,000

                   Closed-26 $255,000-$800,000

Plainfield-New 22 $209,900-$929,000

                 Closed-22 $213,900-$600,000

St Charles-New 10 $329,900-$749,900

                  Closed-9 $220,000-$709,442

These are just the communities with the most activity this week.  Click on the photo above to see the other communities that also had activity.  If price is your biggest factor this might help you decide which community to take a look at.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $389,900, last week $389,999.

Closed median price this week $385,000, last week $382,500.

Stats 091722
Stats for week ending September 17th

Conventional financing was used to close on 120 homes this week at median price $399,122 with 28 average market time, last week 102 homes at median price $390,000 with 29 days average market time.

Conv 091722
Conventional financing used to close for week ending September 17th

Cash was used to close on 27 homes this week at median price $424,500 with 38 days average market time, last week 16 homes at median price $454,120 with 16 days average market time.

Cash 091722
Cash used to close for week ending September 17th

FHA financing was used to close on 27 homes at median price $295,000 with 26 days average market time, last week 16 homes at median price $272,000 with 54 days average market time.

FHA 091722
FHA financing used to close for week ending September 17th

VA financing was used to close on 3 homes this week at median price $414,000 with 24 days average market time, last week also 3 homes at median price $335,000 with 20 days average market time.

VA 091722
VA financing used to close for week ending September 17th

Homes that were at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 100 homes at median price $450,000 with 30 days average market time, last week 80 homes at median price $470,000 with 28 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $280,000, last week $223,650.

2000 SF or more 091722
Homes that were at least 2,000 SF or more closed for week ending September 17th

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were pretty consistent.  169 this week compared to 171 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 17th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-26                             Bolingbrook-15

Geneva-13                            Naperville-17

Plainfield-18                        St Charles-19

Other communities had contracts accepted.  Please click on the photo to see them.

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 2 with a kick-out clause of 72 ours and also 2 with 48 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 1 that is not marked  for timing of the kick -out clause.

Median list price of homes that went under contract this week $364,900 with 41 days average market time, last week median list price $385,900 with 47 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 091722
Stats for homes that went under contract for week ending September 17th

2022 by the month

Month                      New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                     422       492              623

February                   523       520              724

March                       734       904              890

April                        1168       966             1334

May                         1101       893              806

June                         1295     1409             1234

July                           995       932              908

August                    1019      1134             1062

September               376        314               340

Totals                     7633     7564              7921

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can compare and see how this year is going.


Click on each item that is bold and underlined and it will take you to the information.

If there is other information that you are looking for let us know.  We will be happy to point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day as agents upload their information.

Connect with us on Facebook you can click on the “shop now” button and search anywhere you want anytime.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Fox Valley home prices September 17th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SRS, SFR, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices September 10th

Fox Valley home prices September 10th.  This first full week of September we will show you the home prices for New listings, closed, contracts accepted, financing used and September by the month.

New listings this week are up.  216 this week compared to 162 the previous week.

Closed listings are way down.  137 this week compared to 279 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 10th

Aurora-New 26 $169,900-$614,900

             Closed-21 $143,100-$620,000

Bolingbrook-New 17 $219,900-$659,000

                      Closed-15 $223,650-$479,000

Geneva-New 10 $255,000-$1,299,000

              Closed-6 $315,000-$575,000

Montgomery-New 14 $199,000-$390,000

                       Closed-7 $205,000-$365,000

Naperville-New 40 $359,000-$3,499,000

                   Closed-17 $340,000-$1,132,500

Plainfield-New 30 $280,000-$680,000

                 Closed-14 $211,000-$635,000

St Charles-New 15 $219,000-$1,595,000

                  Closed-11 $$248,900-$1,775,000

Click on the photo above to see all communities that had activity this week.  I just highlighted the ones that had the most activity.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $389,999, last week $380,000.

Closed median price this week $382,500, last week $380,000.

Stats 091022
Stats for week ending September 10th

Conventional financing was used to close 102 homes at median price $390,000 with 29 days average market time, last week 199 homes at median price $410,000 with 27 days average market time.

Conv 091022
Conventional financing used to close for week ending September 10th

Cash was used to close 16 homes at median price $454,120 with 16 days average market time, last week 33 homes at median price $300,000 with 20 days average market time.

Cash 091022
Cash used to close for week ending September 10th

FHA financing was used to close 16 homes at median price $272,000 with 54 days average market time, last week 33 homes at median price $308,000 with 24 days average market time.

FHA 091022
FHA financing used to close for week ending September 10th

VA financing was used to close 3 homes at median price $335,000 with 20 days average market time, last week 11 homes at median price $305,000 with 21 days average market time.

VA 091022
VA financing used to close for week ending September 10th

Homes that were at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 80 homes at median price $470,000 with 28 days average market time, last week 160 homes at median price $448,725 with 27 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $223,650, last week minimum price $152,000.

2000 SF or more 091022
Homes at least 2,000 SF or more closed for week ending September 10th

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were down.  171 this week compared to 196 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 10th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-21                            Bolingbrook-16

Naperville-26                      Oswego-10

Plainfield-20                       St Charles-15

You can click on the photo to see other communities that had activity this week.  I highlighted the communities with the most activity.

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours,  3 with 48 hours, and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 2 with 48 hours.

Median list price of homes that went under contract this week $385,900 with 47 days average market time, last week median price $363,875 with 33 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 091022
Contingent Stats for week ending September 10th

2022 by the month

Month                  New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                 420       492                623

February               523       520                724

March                   734       904                890

April                    1168       966               1334

May                      1101       893                806

June                    1295     1409               1234

July                      955       932                908

August                1019      1134               1062

September           216        137                 171

Totals          7431    7387         7752

June is the month most seller’s wanted to list their homes, close, and went under contract.

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.

At the end of each month we will also take a look at 2021 an 2020 so you can compare the 3 years.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to go to the site for information.  If you need other information not listed, please let us know, and we will point you in the right direction.

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.

We will guide you through the process.  

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

All data provided today is from our MLS, MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day as agents upload their information.

Fox Valley home prices September 10th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices September 3rd

Fox Valley Home Prices September 3rd

Fox Valley home prices September 3rd.  Happy Labor Day weekend.  We will update you on new listings, closed, Contracts accepted, median prices, financing used, and 2022 by the month and a look back at 2021 and 2020.  Also, we will share some great resources for you to check out.

New listings this week were down.  162 this week compared to 214 the previous week.

Closed listings were up.  279 this week compared to 189 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 3rd

Aurora-New 24 $205,000-$617,000

            Closed-41 $149,788-$300,000

Bolingbrook-New $230,000-$656,962

                      Closed-27 $216,000-$781,249

Geneva-New 6 $430,000-$1,649,800

              Closed-10 $240,117-$620,000

Montgomery-New 10 $234,999-$400,000

                       Closed-7 $219,900-$350,000

Naperville-New 22 $299,000-$6,500,000

                  Closed-46 $266,000-$1,435,000

Oswego-New 5 $399,900-$510,000

               Closed-24 $160,000-$935,000

Plainfield-New 28 $175,000-$939,000

                 Closed-30 $220,000-$1,021,000

Plano-New 2 $209,000-$475,000

           Closed-11 $127,500-$395,000

St Charles-New 9 $339,900-$1,525,000

                  Closed-18 $177,000-$780,000

Yorkville-New 8 $215,000-$439,990

                Closed-17 $190,000-$500,295

Click on the photo above to see the activity in the other communities and prices.

Median prices, financing used, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $380,000, last week $400,000.

Closed median price this week $380,000, last week $410,000.

Stats 090322
Stats for week ending September 3rd

Conventional financing was used to close on 199 homes this week at median price $410,000 with 27 days average market time, last week 149 homes at median price $429,800 with 24 days average market time.

Conv 090322
Conventional financing used to close for week ending September 3rd

Cash was used to close on 33 homes this week at median price $300,000 with 20 days average market time, last week 19 homes at median price $424,000 with 25 days average market time.

Cash 090322
Cash used to close for week ending September 3rd

FHA financing was used to close on 33 homes at median price $308,000 with 24 days average market time, last week 17 homes at median price $317,000 with 20 days average market time.

FHA 090322
FHA financing used to close for week ending September 3rd

VA financing was used to close on 11 homes at median price $305,000 with 21 days average market time, last week 4 homes at median price $402,000 with 16 days average market time.

VA 090322
VA financing used to close for week ending September 3rd

Homes that are at least 2000 square feet or more closed on 160 homes at median price $448,725 with 27 days average market time, last week 127 homes at median price $475,000 with 27 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $152,000, last week $235,000.

2000 SF or more 090322
Homes that were at least 2,000 SF or more closed for week ending September 3rd

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were down.  196 this week compared to 215 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices September 3rd-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-31                              Batavia-10

Bolingbrook-18                     Naperville-24

Plainfield-25                         St Charles-11

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  5 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 7 with 48 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 1 with 48 hours, and 3 with 24 hours.

Median price of homes that went under contract this week $363,875 with 33 days average market time, last week median price $375,000 with 38 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 090322
Contingent stats for week ending September 3rd

2022 by the month and a look back at 2021 and 2020


Month                      New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                     422       492               623

February                   523       520               724

March                       734       904               890

April                       1168        966              1334

May                        1101        893               806

June                        1295      1409             1234

July                          955        932              908

August                   1019       1134             1062

Totals                     7217       7250            7581


January                   543        649              829

February                 561        604              778

March                     993       1099            1455

April                     1006         926            1387

May                      1088       1288            1289

June                      1450       1686            1671

July                        1118        1182            1210

August                  1109       1203            1170

Totals                   7868       8637           9789


January                1105         566             858

February              1267         529            1024

March                   1186         707            1079

April                      648         786             775

May                     1352        1010           1444

June                     1232         908            1534

July                      1417        1453            1852

August                1037        1335            1436

Totals                 9244        7294          10002

This gives you a better picture of how things have gone in the last 3 years.  You can see why prices have increased.  

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.


Click on all everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the site for the information.

Check with your loan officer for the interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  They can also help you if you need to work on it.

If you are looking for a home you will want to find a loan officer that will put you through underwriting and get approved so yo can work out any kinks and know that if a seller accepts your offer it will go through if it appraises out and no title issues.  Why wait until a week before closing to find out?


All data provided today is from our MLS,  MRED, LLC.  It changes continuously throughout the day as agents upload their information.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Fox Valley home prices September 3rd.  Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Kriss New profile for FB 123121 

Fox Valley home prices August 27th

Fox Valley Home Prices August 27th

Fox Valley home prices August 27th.  We will update you on the Fox Valley area of Illinois new, closed, contracts accepted, 2022 by the month.  Median prices and financing used for this week.

New listings this week were up.  214 this week compared to 171 the previous week.

Closed listings were down.  189 this week compared to 229 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices August 27th

Aurora-New 42 $135,000-$799,999

             Closed-26 $160,000-$812,000

Batavia-New 10 $334,900-$900,000

              Closed-2 $329,000-$411,000

Bolingbrook-New 17 $199,900-$675,000

                      Closed-15 $240,000-$776,202

Naperville-New 31 $305,000-$2,490,000

                   Closed-41 $275,000-$1,750,000

Plainfield-New 20 $275,000-$611,848

                 Closed-31 $233,000-$650,000

St Charles-New 17 $259,000-$1,275,000

                  Closed-8 $263,000-$695,000

Yorkville-New 9 $394,990-$500,000

                 Closed-10 $125,000-$430,000

Click on the photo above to see activity in other communities this week that did not have as much action.

Median prices, financing used, and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $400,000, last week $397,500.

Closed median price this week $410,000, last week $390,000.

Stats 082722
Stats for week ending August 27th

Conventional financing was used to close 149 homes with median price $429,800 with 24 days average market time, last week 177 homes at median price $399,900 with 22 days average market time.

Conv 082722
Conventional financing used to close for week ending August 27th

Cash was used to close 19 homes this week at median price $424,000 with 25 days average market time, last week 21 homes at median price $400,000 with 22 days average market time.

Cash 082722
Cash used to close for week ending August 27th

FHA financing was used to close 17 homes this week at median price $317,000 with 20 days average market time, last week 21 homes at median price $298,500 with 22 days average market time.

FHA 082722
FHA financing used to close for week ending August 27th

VA financing was used to close 4 homes this week at median price $402,000 with 16 days average market time, last week 8 homes at median price $407,500 with 30 days average market time.

VA 082722
VA financing used to close for week ending August 27th

Homes that were at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 127 homes at median price $475,000 with 27 days average market time, last week 136 homes at median price $464,000 with 21 days average market time.  Minimum price this week $235,000, last week $220,000.

2000 SF or more 082722
Homes that were at least 2,000 SF or more for week ending August 27th

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were down.  215 this week compared to 228 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices August 27th-Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-27                               Bolingbrook-16

Geneva-11                               Montgomery-10

Naperville-35                         Oswego-10

Plainfield-28                          St Charles-12


No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the closing of their current home.  5 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on selling and closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Median list price of homes that went under contract this week $375,000 with 38 days average market time, last week $365,000 with 33 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 082722
Contingent Stats for week ending August 27th

2022 by the month

Month                    New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                   422       492                 623

February                 523       520                 724

March                     734       904                 890

April                      1168       966                1334

May                       1101       893                  806

June                       1295     1409                 1234

July                         955       932                  908

August                    857       855                  866

Totals                    7055     6971                 7385

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  Next week is the end of the month so we will also take a look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year is going.


Click on everything that is bold and underlined to take you to the site for the information.

check with your loan officer for the interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  They can also help you if you need to work on your score.

If you need recommendations for loan officer, real estate attorney, or home inspector we can recommend  af ew of each and you can decide who you want to work with.

All data provided today is from our MLS system,  MRED, LLC.  It is constantly changing throughout the day as real estate agents upload new information.

Contact us

Call us with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Fox Valley home prices August 27th.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, SRES, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Kriss New profile for FB 123121