Market update Fox Valley week 33

Market update Fox Valley week 33 Market update Fox Valley week 33.  New listings of single family homes were down this week.  264 this week compared to 279 the week before.  We are not heading in the right direction.  Inventory is extremely low already.  We need to increase new listings to meet buyer demand.  Interest rates are fantastic right now so if you want to get a larger home or maybe now is the time to downsize it is a great time to do that.

Closed listings were almost the same.  340 this week compared to 338 the week before.  We increased by 2.  Closed homes will increase as we head into the end of the month.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 37 $110,000-$565,000

             Closed-48 $84,000-$539,000

Batavia-New 9 $315,000-$519,900

             Closed-12 $218,900-$528,000

Bolingbrook-New 13 $212,500-$399,900

                     Closed-22 $172,000-$444,900

Geneva-New 17 $234,000-$650,000

             Closed-11 $200,500-$722,500

Montgomery-New 7 $184,900-$339,900

                      Closed-17 $109,900-$317,000

Naperville-New 59 $299,900-$1,790,000

                 Closed-49 $290,000-$1,250,000

Oswego-New 14 $149,000-$519,900

              Closed-22 $197,500-$448,066

Plainfield-New 21 $221,900-$439,900

                Closed-54 $157,000-$493,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New 21 $164,900-$1,050,000

                Closed-25 $168,000-$1,200,000

West Chicago-New 9 $199,000-$549,900

                       Closed-10 $140,000-$495,000

Yorkville-New 5 $229,000-$312,788

              Closed-14 $230,000-$575,000

Contracts accepted this week

Aurora-48                                   Bolingbrook-23

Geneva-19                                   Montgomery-14

Naperville-60                               North Aurora-12

Oswego-17                                  Plainfield-44

St Charles/Campton Hills             West Chicago-13


3 short sales were accepted this week.  All 3 were in Plainfield.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  10 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 17 with 48 hours and 4 with 24 hours.

Also, sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 4 with 48 hours and 3 with 24 hours.

2020 by the month

Month                         New     Closed     Contracts accepted

January                    1,105        566               858

February                  1,267        529            1,024

March                      1,186        707            1,079

April                            648        786               775

May                          1,352     1,010           1,444

June                          1,232        908           1,534   

July                           1,417     1,453           1,852

August                          543        678              734

Totals                         8,750     6,637           9,300

Closed listings is the main one to concentrate on for what the market did so far this year.  New listings can be canceled and relisted.  Contracts accepted doesn’t mean they will close.  It means that buyers thought the home fit their needs and negotiated an offer that was accepted.  Sometimes they don’t make it past home inspection and attorney review.  They might of accepted another contract with other buyers.  That is why that number is larger than new listings.  Some buyers found another home others did not.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

It is still a great time to sell!  Let us update the value of your home for today’s market.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell and what you might walk away with. This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you are wanting to buy a home you need to get your documents in order and call a loan officer to get pre-qualified.  They will give you a letter showing what you qualify for and what type of loan that works out best for you.  We will attach this letter to an offer when you find a home.

Take  a look at some great resources:

Let us know what communities you are wanting to look at.  We can set you up to receive listings as they hit the market so you don’t miss out on a thing.  You need to be ready to go when they hit the market because they do not stay on the market long right now unless they are priced too high.

Market update Fox Valley week 33.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 33Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Sign me up to receive listings here


Market update Fox Valley week 32

Market update Fox Valley week 32 Market update Fox Valley week 32.  New listings were consistent this week with the week before.  270 this week compared to 284 the week before.  We love consistency but not with new listings right now.  We need to drastically increase new listings.  Inventory is extremely low.  Now is a great time to get your home on the market.

Closed listings are down slightly over 24% this week.  338 closed single family homes this week compared to 445 the week before.  That is the difference between the end of the month and the beginning.  Most buyers want to close at the end of the month.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 32 $135,000-$425,000

            Closed-43 $92,412-$703,000

Bolingbrook-New 19 $225,000-$579,900

                     Closed-22 $150,000-$450,000

Geneva-New 16 $259,000-$649,900

             Closed-10 $235,000-$459,000

Montgomery-New 13 $194,900-$305,000

                      Closed-10 $109,900-$285,000

Naperville-New 55 $250,000-$1,349,900

                 Closed-69 $235,000-$1,300,000

Oswego-New 10 $275,000-$1,375,000

              Closed-21 $123,000-$509,961

Plainfield-New 27 $165,000-$499,000

                Closed-50 $105,000-$800,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                 New-24 $219,900-$870,000

                 Closed-18 $200,000-$950,000

West Chicago-New 10 $159,900-$375,000

                       Closed-9 $179,900-$464,000

Yorkville-New 14 $105,000-$699,900

              Closed-13 $245,000-$555,000

Price ranges might help you decide what communities to look in.

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 32-Contracts accepted this week Contracts accepted this week were up 11.30% from the week before.  384 this week compared to 345 the week before.  Buyers are still trying to find a home.  We need more homes on the market to show.

Look at the communities sellers accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-49                             Batavia-10

Bolingbrook-24                     Elburn-12

Geneva-19                            Naperville-67

Oswego-14                           Plainfield-53

Plano-11                              St Charles/Campton Hills-37

West Chicago-15                  Yorkville-16

7 short sales were accepted by sellers this week.  2 in Aurora and Plano. 1 each in Oswego, Plainfield and Sycamore.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Sellers accepted contracts this week that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  12 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 21 with 48 hours and 7 with 24 hours. 

Also, sellers accepted contracts this week that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  7 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 8 with 48 hours and 2 with 24 hours.

2020 by the month

Month                        New     Closed     Contracts accepted 

January                   1,105       566              858

February                 1,267       529           1,024

March                     1,186       707           1,079

April                           648       786              775

May                         1,352   1,010           1,444

June                        1,232       908           1,534

July                         1,417    1,614           1,852

August                        279       338              384

Total                        8,486    6,458           8,950

July is the best month so far for this year.  Check back with us every Saturday for an update.  At the end of the month we will compare to 2019 and 2018 so you can see the changes from year to year.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 for all of your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal. We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Let us update the value  of your home in today’s market. We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell so you know where you are at.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you are thinking about buying a home you need to talk to a loan officer and have your documents ready.  They will let you know what type of loan and what price range works out best for you.  A letter will be emailed to you showing what you qualify for. This will go with an offer when you find the home you like.

Check out some great resources:

You might be downsizing or wanting a larger home.  Looking for a different school district.  Family member might have passed and you need to sell their home.  Whatever the reason you are wanting to buy or sell we are here to help guide you through the process.

Market update Fox Valley week 32.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 32Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Market update Fox Valley week 31

Market update Fox Valley week 31Market update Fox Valley week 31.  New listings were almost identical to the week before.  284 New listings of single family homes this week compared to 285 the week before.  We wish there were more.  Inventory continues to be extremely low. So many people have been focusing on school whether they will send them back or stay remote.  Many schools are starting to make that choice for them and remain remote.

Closed listings this week were up a little over 57%.  445 single family homes closed this week compared to 282 the week before.  The end of the month is when most buyers want to close.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 40 $139,900-$799,900

            Closed-61 $145,000-$590,000

Batavia-New 8 $311,000-$1,375,000

             Closed-13 $195,000-$805,000

Bolingbrook-New 12 $199,900-$485,000

                     Closed-24 $169,000-$485,027

Elburn-New 9 $275,000-$599,900

            Closed-10 $260,000-$920,600

Geneva-New 15 $229,900-$725,000

             Closed-18 $224,000-$646,605

Montgomery-New 6 $195,000-$354,020

                     Closed-11 $164,000-$270,000

Naperville-New 61 $269,900-$2,100,000

                 Closed-86 $260,500-$1,220,000

North Aurora-New 3 $300,000-$385,000

                       Closed-13 $197,000-$412,000

Oswego-New 23 $195,000-$1,749,000

              Closed-38 $225,000-$665,000

Plainfield-New 27 $229,000-$599,000

                Closed-55 $207,000-$609,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New-26 $160,000-$1,229,000

                Closed-33 $205,000-$665,000

West Chicago-New 5 $398,700-$595,000

                       Closed-17 $181,000-$409,900

Yorkville-New 15 $259,900-$479,500

              Closed-13 $185,000-$590,000

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 31-Contracts accepted this week


Contracts accepted this week were 28 single family homes lower.   345 this week compared to 373 the week before.  That is still pretty good considering new listings have gone down now 2 weeks in a row.  

Look at the communities sellers accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-42                                    Batavia-11

Bolingbrook-32                           Geneva-16

Montgomery-12                          Naperville-67

Oswego-22                                 Plainfield-38

St Charles/Campton Hills-20     West Chicago-12

2 short sales were accepted by sellers this week.  1 each in Aurora and Minooka.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  11 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 20 wit 48 hours and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 4 with 48 hours.

2020 by the month

Month                          New     Closed    Contracts accepted

January                     1,105        566             858

February                   1,267        529          1,024

March                      1,186         707          1,079

April                            648        786              775

May                          1,352     1,010          1,444

June                         1,232         908          1,534

July                          1,417      1,614          1,852

Totals                        8,207     6,120          8,566

July has been the best month so far for 2020.  Interest rates are extremely low right now so it makes it a great time to buy a home.  Closed homes are always what you want to look at.  New listings can be canceled or expired and relisted.  Contracts accepted can also change to reactivated and then contract pending again.

I usually compare to the last couple of years at the end of each month but I did that last week  I should of waited until this week.  Last week it showed that we are going down in all the numbers.  Low inventory is the main factor.  It has been frustrating for buyers competing with other buyers on a home because there just is not enough homes on the market for the amount of people that want to buy.  Instead of buying a resale home you might want to think about new construction.  We can also help you with that.  Let us know what community you are looking for and we can tell you about new construction in that area.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

We keep saying it is a great time to sell your home and it still is.  Continued low inventory and extremely low interest rates makes it a good time to sell.  Buyers are out there looking in all price ranges.  Let us update the value of your home in today’s market and provide you with a net proceeds that shows your expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can make a decision.

If you are thinking about buying a home you need to call a loan officer to get pre-qualified.  They will provide you with a letter that shows the type of loan and price range that you qualify for.  We will send this letter with an offer when you find the home you like.

Check out some great resources:

Covid-19 has changed a few things with buying and selling a home.  There are 3-D scans, virtual tours or live video showings if you are not comfortable with a lot of people walking through your home.  Home inspections can be done with only the inspector there to cut down on people in the home.  You can direct us on how you want your home shown.

We can do video meetings to explain things to you and answer all your questions.  Documents can be signed remotely with docusign.  Some title companies are doing remote closings.  Other ones are having the sellers sign documents ahead of the closing day and only buyers and their attorney are there the day of closing.  Let us know what your comfort level is.

Market update Fox Valley week 31.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 31Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Market update Fox Valley week 30

Market update Fox Valley week 30Market update Fox Valley week 30.  New listings of single family homes are up 10.89%.  285 new listings this week compare to 257 the week before  At least we are going in the right direction.

Closed listings of single family homes were down 11.88%.  282 closed this week compared to 320 the week before.  That is unusual.  They usually go up as we head into the end of the month.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 34 $109,900-$499,900

            Closed-32 $87,500-$485,000

Batavia-New 13 $215,000-$1,205,000

             Closed-14 $185,000-$595,000

Bolingbrook-New 19 $174,900-$599,900

                    Closed-21 $160,000-$380,000

Geneva-New 11 $264,900-$1,089,000

             Closed-15 $264,900-$1,450,000

Naperville-New 61 $249,900-$2,250,000

                 Closed-42 $230,000-$1,500,000

North Aurora-New 14 $220,000-$524,900

                       Closed-7 $215,000-$436,500

Oswego-New 10 $205,000-$1,000,000

              Closed-19 $160,500-$649,900

Plainfield-New 29 $225,000-$499,900

                Closed-46 $170,000-$830,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New-25 $196,000-$995,000

                Closed-18 $230,000-$665,600

West Chicago-New 10 $189,900-$1,750,000

                       Closed-6 $85,000-$430,000

Yorkville-New 10 $223,000-$698,900

              Closed-10 $239,900-$479,500

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 30-Contracts accepted this weekContracts accepted this week were down 7.44%.  373 contracts accepted on single family homes compared to 403 the week before.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-51                             Batavia-10

Bolingbrook-18                     Geneva-23

Montgomery-18                    Naperville-60

North Aurora-13                   Oswego-19

Plainfield-46                         St Charles/Campton Hills-19

West Chicago-18                   Yorkville-18

5 short sales were accepted by seller’s this week. 1 each in Aurora, Bolingbrook, Hinckley, North Aurora and Oswego.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  13 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 18 with 48 hours and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  7 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 10 with 48 hours.

2020 by the month and a look back at 2019 and 2018

Month                        New       Closed    Contracts accepted

January                   1,105         566              858

February                 1,267         529           1,024

March                     1,186         707           1,079

April                           648        786               775

May                         1,352     1,010           1,444

June                         1,232        908           1,534

July                          1,133     1,169           1,507

Totals                        7,923     5,675           8,221


January                       878         407              568

February                  1,032         463              832

March                      1,731         915           1,375

April                        1,594         792           1,307

May                         1,645         995           1,280

June                        1,643       1,253          1,218

July                         1,423       1,008          1,090

Totals                       9,946       5,833          7,670


January                      808           489             606

February                 1,040           444             856

March                     1,549           907          1,564

April                       1,515           836          1,278

May                        1,569        1,066          1,344

June                       1,828         1,720          1,474

July                        1,318            994           1,061

Totals                      9,627         6,456          8,183

You can see homes closed have been declining over the years also the homes available to sell.  Homes available to sell is the biggest factor here.  Low inventory has been a problem even before 2018.  Buyer’s are wanting to buy but they just can’t find the home they need.  This has increased pricing of the homes that are available to sell.  Supply and demand.  If you have thought about selling now is the time so you will not have as much competition.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Let us update the value of your home in today’s market.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you are thinking about buying a home you need to call a loan officer to get pre-qualified first.  They will give you a letter showing what type of loan and the price that will work out best for you.  We need to attach the letter with an offer when you find the right home so they seller can see that you qualify for their home.

Check out some great resources:

Check to see if you can get some down payment assistance so you can use the money you have to paint or buy furniture for the new home.  It will also save you from asking the seller to help you with closing costs.

People are changing some of their criteria for a home with the pandemic.  Some are wanting space to work from home or a bigger yard for the kids.  There is so much talk about going back to school.  Some are happy with what their school is deciding and others are not happy.  I can see some might want to move to a different school district that has more to offer or different choices.  Some are talking about home schooling.  They might need more space.

We do need to increase inventory so buyer’s have something to look at.

Market update Fox Valley week 30.  Have a great week!  Check back with us next week for the update or give a call.

Market update Fox Valley week 30

Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101





Market update Fox Valley week 29

Market update Fox Valley week 29Market update Fox Valley week 29.  New listings of single family homes are down 17.89% this week.  257 this week compared to 313 the week before.  We are going in the wrong directions.  Inventory is extremely low already.  July usually is a slower month with people going on vacation.  This year so far has not been normal and I was hoping people would continue to put their homes on the market even in July.  If you are thinking about selling this year do not pass up this great time to sell.

Closed listings of single family homes increased by 60.80% this week.320 this week compared to 199 the week before.  We are getting closer to the end of the month when most buyers want to close so they should continue to increase.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 34 $67,000-$750,000

            Closed-33 $97,938-$385,000

Batavia-New $215,000-$729,000

             Closed-10 $275,000-$722,202

Bolingbrook-New 7 $179,853-$409,900

                     Closed-27 $197,000-$405,000

Geneva-New 16 $275,000-$2,200,000

             Closed-12 $347,500-$1,145,000

Montgomery-New 8 $109,900-$285,000

                      Closed-15 $80,000-$319,900

Naperville-New 64 $267,800-$2,449,000

                 Closed-65 $298,000-$2,100,000

Oswego-New 9 $254,900-$564,900

              Closed-25 $82,500-$625,000

Plainfield-New 25 $214,900-$599,000

                Closed-42 $170,000-$460,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New 21 $230,000-$1,890,000

                Closed-19 $246,000-$1,225,000

West Chicago-New 13 $175,000-$449,500

                       Closed-8 $145,000-$395,000

Yorkville-New 9 $189,900-$424,900

              Closed-12 $115,000-$510,000

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week are up 18.18%.  403 this week compared to 341 the week before.  These numbers would be even higher if more listings were on the market.

Take a look at the communities that seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-59                             Bolingbrook-29

Geneva-13                            Montgomery-21

Naperville-72                        Oswego-17

Plainfield-49                         St Chalres/Campton Hills-29

Sycamore-16                        West Chicago-14


3 short sales were accepted by seller’s this week. 1 each in Aurora, Montgomery and West Chicago.  They will now be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer’s closing on their current home.  17 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 19 with 48 hours and 3 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer’s selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 9 with 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Seller’s feel confident with the market,

2020 by the month

Month                        New      Closed     Contracts accepted

January                   1,105         566                858

February                 1,267         529             1,024

March                    1,186          707             1,079

April                         648          786                775

May                       1,352      1,010             1,444

June                      1,232          908             1,534

July                          848          887             1,134

Totals                    7,638       5,393             7,848

Check back with us every Saturday for the market update Fox Valley.  At the end of each month we will compare 2020 to 2019 and 2018 so you can see how things compare.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 for all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Thinking about selling this year?  Now is the best time to sell.  Let us update the current value of your home and provide you with a net proceeds.  This shows you an estimate of expenses to sell so you can see where you are at.  We will update this when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you are thinking about buying or if the end of your lease is coming up, contact a loan officer to see if you are ready to buy a home.  They will provide you with a letter that shows what type of loan and the price that will work out best for you.  This letter will go with an offer when you find the right home.

Check out some great resources:

We will guide you through the process and can give you recommendations for a real estate attorney, home inspectors and loan officers.

Market update Fox Valley week 29.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 29Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101


Market update Fox Valley week 28

Market update Fox Valley week 28Market update Fox Valley week 28.  The market is still hot!  New listings of single family homes were up 12.59%.  313 this week compared to 278 the week before.  If more home were on the market it would be even hotter.  Inventory is so low.  Now is the time to sell.  Covid-19 has not slowed down the market.  I think it has increased the market.  Buyers are looking for a home with office space and more room with a bigger yard.

Closed single family homes were down 45.92%.  199 this week compared to 368 the week before.  This is the first full week of July so this is to be expected.  Most buyer’s want to close at the end of the month.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 37 $132,900-$582,000

            Closed-28 $116,800-$483,000

Bolingbrook-New 13 $199,900-$389,900

                     Closed-16 $144,000-$498,030

Geneva-New 12 $265,000-$1,495,000

             Closed-8 $295,000-$422,000

Montgomery-New 15 $144,000-$301,900

                     Closed-12 $180,000-$296,900

Naperville-New 59 $300,000-$1,350,000

                 Closed-28 $282,000-$755,000

North Aurora-New 10 $249,999-$429,900

                       Closed-4 $266,000-$335,982

Oswego-New 17 $259,900-$450,000

              Closed-11 $229,000-$520,000

Plainfield-New 38 $209,000-$795,000

                Closed-23 $160,000-$540,000

Plano-New 10 $179,000-$349,000

          Closed-6 $183,000-$225,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

           New-31 $150,000-$2,195,000

           Closed-10 $165,500-$800,000

Sugar Grove-New 10 $225,000-$849,900

                     Closed-2 $264,000-$275,000

Yorkville-New 19 $195,000-$339,900

              Closed-11 $197,500-$447,500

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 28-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were down 12.56%.  341 this week compared to 390 the week before.  This is due to low inventory.  If there were more homes on the market these numbers would go up.  During the week of the 4th new listings were down.  Hopefully more homes will come on the market now that we are past the holiday.  We hope they spent the week getting their home ready for market.

Look at the communities that seller’s accepted the most contracts this week:

Aurora-37                                    Bolingbrook-16

Elburn-11                                     Geneva-10

Montgomery-12                           Naperville-70

Oswego-18                                   Plainfield-46

St Charles/Campton Hills-29        West Chicago-16


Only 1 short sale was accepted by seller’s this week.  It was a home in Sandwich.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  14 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 16 with 48 hours and 5 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 7 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours and 2 with 24 hours.  There was 1 that did not have information other than it was contingent on the sale and close of the buyer’s home.

2020 by the month

Month                            New   Closed   Contracts accepted

Janauary                     1,105      566             858

February                     1,267      529          1,024

March                        1,186       707          1,079

April                             648       786              775

May                           1,352   1,010           1,444

June                          1,232       908           1,534

July                              591       567              731

Totals                        7,381    5,073           7,445

Check back with us every Saturday for the market update Fox Valley.  At the end of each month we will also compare to 2019 and 2018 so you can see the changes over the current year with the other 2 years.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Thinking about selling your home this year?  Now is the best time!  If you are concerned about showing your home there is options.  There is virtual showings with video or a photographer can do a 3D scan of your home.  Would you like to see an example of that just let us know.  You can set the instructions for showings.  We can update the current value of your home and provide you with a net proceeds that shows you an estimate of expenses.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

Are you wanting to buy a home?  Your first step is to talk to a loan officer that will tell you the price range and the type of loan that will work out best for your situation.  They will give you a letter showing what you qualify for that will go with an offer when you find the right home.

Check out some great resources:

We are here to guide you through the process from beginning until you get to closing.

Market update Fox Valley week 28.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 28Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Market update Fox Valley week 27

Market update Fox Valley week 27Market update Fox Valley week 27.  New listings of single family homes was 5.76% lower this week.  278 last week compared to 295 the 

week before.  Hope people are waiting until after the holiday to put their home on the market.  Inventory continues to remain extremely low.

Closed listings were 48.39% higher.  368 last week compared to 248 the week before.  Monday and Tuesday were the last 2 days of the month of June. A lot of them might of closed in those 2 days.  Most buyers want to close at the end of the month.

Take a look a the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 36 $141,000-$415,980

            Closed-40 $90,000-$525,000

Batavia-New 4 $195,000-$394,900

             Closed-15 $284,400-$712,590

Bolingbrook-New 17 $189,900-$879,000

                     Closed-21 $163,500-$399,000

Elburn-New 3 $179,000-$354,000

            Closed-11 $225,000-$380,000

Geneva-New 14 $274,900-$649,900

             Closed-17 $250,000-$875,000

Montgomery-New 11 $180,000-$299,750

                      Closed-12 $187,000-$300,000

Naperville-New 66 $259,900-$1,975,000

                 Closed-61 $269,000-$1,825,000

North Aurora-New 5 $189,000-$525,000

                       Closed-10 $187,000-$395,000

Oswego-New 16 $219,000-$2,200,000

              Closed-22 $225,000-$456,000

Plainfield-New 35 $124,900-$729,675

                Closed-50 $165,000-$485,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New 20 $299,900-$1,000,000

                Closed-26 $166,500-$1,232,628

Sycamore-New 3 $242,500-$549,900

                 Closed-10 $181,500-$425,000

West Chicago-New 10 $160,000-$499,000

                      Closed-10 $200,000-$620,000

Yorkville-New 10 $224,900-$460,000

              Closed-12 $223,500-$462,500

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 27-Contracts accepted this week









Contracts accepted this week were very consistent with the week before.  390 this last week compared to 383 the week before.  A difference of 7.  That is consistent!  Your home could be next.  We need to get it on the market.

Look at the communities that sellers accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-52                                     Batavia-15

Bolingbrook-20                             Geneva-19

Montgomery-11                            Naperville-69

Oswego-20                                   Plainfield-56

St Charles/Campton Hills-29        Sycamore-10

West Chicago-12                           Yorkville-19

2 short sales were accepted by sellers this week.  1 each in Warrenville and Yorkville.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  14 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 20 with 48 hours and 4 with 24 hours.

Also, sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 6 with 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Market update 2020 by the month

Month                      New        Closed     Contracts accepted

January                1,105           566              858

February              1,267           529           1,024

March                  1,186           707           1,079

April                       648           786               775

May                     1,352       1,010            1,444

June                    1,232           908            1,534

July                        278           368                390

Totals                  7,068        4,874             7,104

Check back with us every Saturday.  The end of the month we will compare this year to 2019 and 2018 so you can see how things are going.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to  help you reach your goal.

Thinking about selling this year?  Now is the best time.  Buyers are waiting for homes to come on the market to see.  Inventory is extremely low.  Let us update the value of your home for today’s market.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell and an estimate of what you will walk away with.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you are thinking about buying a home your first step is to contact a loan officer to get pre-qualified.  If you need recommendations let us know.  They will let you know what type of loan and the price range that will work out best for you.  Provide you with a letter that needs to go with an offer when you find the right home.

Check out some great resources:

Market update Fox Valley week 27.  Have a great week.  Happy 4th of July!  Have fun and stay safe and healthy.

Market update Fox Valley week 27Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St 

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Market update Fox Valley week 26

Market update Fox Valley week 26Market update Fox Valley week 26.  New listings came in just under the week before.  295 new listings of single family homes this week compared to 308 the week before.  Down by 4.22%.  We need to get more new listings not less.  Inventory is very low.

Closed listings were up 18.66%.  248 closed listings of single family homes compared to 209 the week before.  The end of the month is usually when you see the highest numbers when most buyers want to close.  Closer to the end of the month buyers come in with less money for interest for the month.  Closing costs can add up so saving this amount helps them get into the home.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 38 $124,900-$775,000

            Closed-26 $90,000-$425,000

Batavia-New 9 $234,900-$495,000

             Closed-13 $264,000-$725,000

Bolingbrook-New 8 $199,900-$489,000

                     Closed-16 $173,000-$390,000

Geneva-New 13 $319,900-$575,000

             Closed-7 $265,287-$510,000

Montgomery-New 7 $249,900-$343,565

                     Closed-17 $146,300-$273,000

Naperville-New 70 $297,000-$2,399,500

                 Closed-44 $242,500-$4,750,000

Oswego-New 10 $249,900-$429,900

              Closed-11 $223,000-$415,000

Plainfield-New 40 $171,900-$519,000

                Closed-24 $225,000-$445,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New-17 $139,9000-$2,000,000

                Closed-26 $170,000-$748,500

West Chicago-New 10 $175,000-$491,028

                       Closed-10 $208,000-$435,000

Yorkville-New 29 $214,900-$489,000

              Closed-9 $240,000-$536,500

Contracts accepted on single family homes

Market update Fox Valley week 26-Contracts accepted this weekContracts accepted on single family homes were down 4.49%.  383 accepted this week compared to 401 the week before.  More inventory will help to bring these numbers up.  There just is not enough homes for sale for the amount of buyers that are trying to find a home.  Interest rates are fantastic!

Look at the communities that sellers accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-57                            Batavia-13

Bolingbrook-27                    Montgomery-16

Naperville-83                        Oswego-22

Plainfield-47                         St Charles/Campton Hills-22

Sugar Grove-10                    West Chicago-11


Only 2 short sales were accepted this week.  1 each in Oswego and Plano.  We hope these numbers do not increase with people out of work due to the pandemic.

Sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  21 with a kick-out clause of 72 ours, 18 with 48 hours and 9 with 24 hours.

Also, sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyers selling and closing on their current home.  4 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 ours and 1 with 24 hours.

2020 by the month and a look back at 2019 and 2018

Month                                       New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                                  1,105      566            858

February                                1,267      529         1,024

March                                    1,186      707         1,079

April                                         648      786             775

May                                       1,352   1,010         1,444

June                                       1,232      908         1,534

Totals                                     6,790   4,506         6,714


January                                    878       407            568

February                               1,032       463            832

March                                   1,173       915        1,375

April                                     1,594       792        1,307

May                                      1,645       995        1,280

June                                     1,643    1,253        1,218

Totals                                    7,965   4,825         6,580


January                                   808       489            606

February                              1,040       444            856

March                                  1,549       907         1,564

April                                    1,515       836         1,278

May                                     1,569    1,066         1,344

June                                     1,828    1,720         1,474

Totals                                    8,309   5,462          7,122

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all of your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Thinking about selling your home this year? Now is the time to get it on the market when buyers are out there looking while interest rates are fantastic.  Let us update the value of your home in today’s market.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you are thinking about buying a home the first thing you need to do is call a loan officer.  Have your income taxes available, check stubs, bank statements and any car loans or other monthly payments handy.  They will let you know what else you need then keep it in a folder so you have it handy in case they request it again.  If you need recommendations we would be happy to give you a few to contact so you can decide who you would like to work with.  They will give you a letter showing what price and what type of loan will work out best for you.  This will go with an offer when you find the right home.

Check out some great resources:

Market update Fox Valley week 26.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 26Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Market update Fox Valley week 25

Market update Fox Valley week 25
Single Family Homes










Market update Fox Valley week 25.  The best way to describe the market this week is consistent all around. 308 new listings of single family homes compared to 303 the week before.

209 closed listings this week compared to 212 the week before.  We like consistency!

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 44 $89,900-$449,000

            Closed-33 $85,000-$460,000

Bolingbrook-New 23 $204,900-$599,900

                     Closed-14 $170,000-$495,000

Geneva-New 22 $239,900-$1,144,000

             Closed-13 $203,000-$1,170,000

Naperville-New 66 $279,000-$1,900,000

                 Closed-46 $225,000-$1,100,000

Oswego-New 10 $186,900-$649,900

Plainfield- New 36 $100,000-$719,000

                 Closed-31 $181,000-$525,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

                New-21 $289,900-$1,299,000

                Closed-11 $115,000-$415,000

Sugar Grove-New 10 $269,900-$628,000

                     Closed-2 $300,000-$312,000

Yorkville-New 11 $115,000-$574,900

              Closed-3 $252,500-$319,900

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 25-Contracts accepted this week
Single Family Homes











Contracts accepted this week were also consistent.  401 single family homes accepted this week compared to 390 the week before.  These numbers would be higher if there were more homes on the market.  There just never seems to be enough.

Look at the communities that seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-50                             Batavia-15

Bolingbrook-25                     Geneva-21

Montgomery-12                    Naperville-70

North Aurora-12                   Oswego-24

Plainfield-56                         St Charles/Campton Hills-36

West Chicago-12                   Yorkville-13

2 short sales were accepted this week by seller’s.  1 each in Aurora and Bolingbrook.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accpet.

Sellers accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  23 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 16 with 48 hours and 5 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  5 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and also 5 with 48 hours.

There is confidence in the market when seller’s accept contracts that are contingent on more than financing.

2020 by the month

Month                             New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                       1,105      566              858

February                     1,267      529           1,024

March                        1,186       707           1,079

April                             648       786               775

May                           1,352    1,010           1,444

June                              937       660           1,151

May so far is the best month for all 3 new, closed and contracts accepted.  June looks like it is going well but we will see if it turns out to be as good as May.  April was the only blip on activity so far during this pandemic.  Next Saturday is the last full week of  June so we will compare the previous 2 years so you can see how things are going compared to 2019 and 2018.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all of your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Thinking about selling your home this year?  It is a fantastic time to sell.  Buyers are eagerly waiting for new homes to come on the market.  I think this pandemic showed buyers the need for a home especially one with more space and a nice sized yard.

If you are thinking about buying a home you need to call a loan officer first to get pre-qualified so you know what type of loan and what price range will work out best for you.  Let us know if you need recommendations.

Check out some great resources:

Market update Fox Valley week 25.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley week 25
Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker










Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101


Market update Fox Valley week 24

Market update Fox Valley week 24.  We are getting closer to the halfway point of the year.  Now is a great time to sell!  Homes are moving pretty quickly if they are in good condition and priced right.  Inventory remains low so if you are thinking about selling contact us.

Market update Fox Valley week 24
Single Family Homes














Closed listings this week were down  11.29%.  212 closed this week compared to 239 the week before.  These numbers should increase as we get closer to the end of the month when most buyer’s want to close.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 31 $95,000-$399,900

            Closed-24 $94,094-$462,000

Batavia-New 10 $218,900-$450,000

             Closed-9 $196,000-$457,000

Bolingbrook-New 15 $194,900-$430,894

                    Closed-9 $205,000-$390,000

Geneva-New 22 $319,900-$1,400,000

             Closed-13 $150,000-$415,000

Montgomery-New 10 $118,000-$319,000

                     Closed-10 $125,000-$270,000

Naperville-New 79 $249,900-$1,485,000

                 Closed-31 $245,000-$860,000

Oswego-New 17 $160,000-$393,500

              Closed-15 $215,000-$509,000

Plainfield-New 35 $190,000-$575,000

                Closed-27 $177,000-$480,000

St Charles/Campton Hills-

               New 27 $210,000-$2,200,000

               Closed-19 $231,000-$700,000

If any of these communities interest you and you want to receive listings let us know which community and price range here.

Contracts accepted this week

Market update Fox Valley week 24-Contracts accepted this week
Single Family Homes











Contracts accepted this week were up 8.34%.  390 listings of single family homes this week compared to 360 the week before.  With only 303 new listings this week that really puts us down with inventory.  We need new listings!
Not all of these homes that went under contract will close.  Some of them will not make it passed the attorney review and home inspection period.  It doesn’t always mean there is something wrong.  Sometimes negotiations stall here.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-48                                   Batavia-13
Bolingbrook-36                           Geneva-26
Minooka-11                                 Montgomery-17
Naperville-57                               Oswego-21
Plainfield-40                                Plano-13
St Charles/Campton Hills-27       Sycamore-10
West Chicago-10                         Yorkville-17
2 sort sales were accepted this week. 1 each in Bolingbrook and West Chicago.  Now they will go to the lender to see if they will also accept.
Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  13 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 28 with 48 hours and 4 with 24 hours.
Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  5 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 10 with 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.
These seller’s have confidence in the market that they will still close with these contingencies.

Market update 2020 by the month

Month                             New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                        1,105     566             858

February                      1,267     529          1,024

March                          1,352     707          1,079

April                               648     786              775

May                             1,352  1,010          1,444

June                                629     451             750  

Totals                           6,982  4,049          5,930

Check back with us each Saturday.  At the end of the month we will also post the last couple of years so you can see the difference from year to year.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all of your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.   We will do everything we can to help you reach your  goal.

We can update the value of your home in the current market and let you know what you need to do to get your home ready to sell.  Provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell so you know where you are at.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

Now is a great time to buy with interest rates so low!  Call a loan officer to get pre-qualified so you know what type of loan and what price range works out best for you.  We can make recommendations if you do not know who to call.

Check out some great resources:

Market update Fox Valley week 24.  Have a great week!

Market update Fox Valley June 6 2020
Kristine Heiman, Designated Managing Broker










Best Homes Fox Valley-Search for a home today!

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101