Fox Valley home prices April 30

Fox Valley Home Prices April 23

Fox Valley home prices April 30.  New listings of single family homes are down.  232 this week compared to 302 the previous week.  This is not heading in the right direction.  We need to keep increasing the amount of homes listed to keep up with the demand.

Closed listings this week are slightly up.  217 this week compared to 198 the previous week.  Most buyers want to close at the end of the month.

Fox Valley home prices April 30

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 29 $129,000-$925,000

            Closed-27 $135,000-$550,000

Bolingbrook-New 20 $275,000-$525,000

                     Closed-15 $191,500-$510,000

Geneva-New 12 $239,500-$799,900

              Closed-11 $260,000-$810,344

Naperville-New 50 $285,000-$1,525,000

                  Closed-41 $286,500-$1,450,000

Oswego-New 16 $160,000-$650,000

               Closed-9 $224,000-$705,558

Plainfield-New 24 $199,000-$659,900

                 Closed-34 $215,000-$970,000

St Charles-New 18 $274,900-$838,000

                  Closed-16 $270,000-$1,350,000

Yorkville-New 7 $255,000-$499,900

                Closed-12 $220,000-$475,000

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $399,900, last week $410,000.

Closed median price this week $393,717, last week $389,000

Stats 043022
Median listed and closed Stats for week ending April 30

Conventional financing was used to close on 170 homes this week at a median price of $415,500 in 20 days average market time, last week 152 homes closed at median price of $395,000 with 27 days average market time.

Conv 043022
Conventional financing used for week ending April 30

Buyers used cash to close on 27 single family homes with a median price of $370,000 and 29 days average market time, last week buyers closed on 23 homes with a median price of $470,000 and 12 days average market time.

Cash 043022
Cash used to close for week ending April 30

FHA financing was used to close on 16 homes with a median price of $307,500 and 27 days average market days, last week also 16 homes at median price of $287,500 and 12 days average market time.

FHA 043022
FHA financing used to close for week ending April 30

VA financing was used to close on 4 homes with a median price of $332,500 and 6 days average market time, last week 6 homes with a median price of $258,500 and 41 days average market time.

VA 043022
VA financing used to close for week ending April 30

2,000 square feet or more homes closed on 140 single family homes with a median price of $473,142 and 20 days average market time, last week 116 homes with a median price of $473,750 and 33 days average market time.  Minimum price this week for a home that is at least 2,000 SF or more closed at $258,000, last week $191,000.

2000 SF or more 043022
Homes that are at least 2,000 SF or more closed for week ending April 30

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were up.  325 this week compared to 245 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 30-Contracts accepted this week

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts this week:

Aurora-41                       Bolingbrook-27

Naperville-66                 North Aurora-12

Oswego-17                      Plainfield-40

St Charles-24                 Winfield-11


1 short sale was accepted by a seller this week.  It is in Aurora.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 10 with 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

2022 by the month and a look back at 2021 and 2020


Month             New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                  422         492              623

February                523         520              724

March                    734         904              966

April                     1168         966             1334

Totals           2847     2882        3571


January                 543          649              829

February               561           604              778

March                   993         1099             1455

April                    1006          926             1387

Totals           3103     3278         4449


January               1105          566                858

February             1267          529              1024

March                  1186          707              1079

April                     648          786                775

Totals           4206     2588         3736

2020 had the most new listings with the least amount of closed.  This year we have the least amount of new listings and we are coning in 2nd for closed listings out of the 3 years.

New listings are steadily increasing this year, but not fast enough for the amount of buyers that are looking.


Click on anything that is underlined to take you to the site to get the information.  If there is any other information that you are looking for just let us know.

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rates they are offering you.  It depends on your credit score what interest rate you will be offered. They can help you bring up your score if you need to improve it. 

Get the loan officer all your financial information so they can run you through underwriting so you are ready to go.  When you find a house all you will need to do is home inspection/attorney review, and then you will be ready to order the appraisal.  Just talking to them over the phone and giving them your information isn’t good enough anymore.  You need to take this extra step to get ready before looking for homes.

Request a home valuation if you are thinking about selling your home.  Let us know about your home and what has recently been updated.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you an estimate of the expenses to sell.  When an offer comes in we will update this when we know all the terms.

You can sign-up for email alerts and get listings as they hit the market so you will not miss out on a thing.

If you are on facebook you can go to my business page and click on “shop now” and search anywhere in Illinois.  You can even see what has sold.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

If you need names of home inspectors or real estate attorneys we can provide you with a few that we have successfully worked with.

All data provided is from our MLS.  MRED, LLC.  It changes constantly throughout the day as agents update their information with new listings and status changes.

Fox Valley home prices April 30.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices April 23

Fox Valley Home Prices April 23

Fox Valley home prices April 23.  We are here to tell you about the real estate market in the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  If you would like to learn about other areas we can help you with that also.  Communities will be highlighted that have the most activity this week, median prices, financing used, 2,000 Square feet or more, Contracts accepted, 2022 by the month, resources and how to get in touch with us.

New listings of single family homes was up.  302 this week compared to 206 the previous week.  That is quite the jump!  We are so happy to see this.

Closed listings of single family homes was up slightly.  198 this week compared to 190 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 23

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 37 $125,000-$850,000

            Closed-26 $122,820-$627,500

Batavia-New 11 $275,000-$575,000

            Closed-7 $295,000-$550,000

Bolingbrook-New 15 $189,900-$525,000

                   Closed-13 $260,000-$716,000

Geneva-New 13 $249,000-$1,995,000

            Closed-8 $297,500-$650,000

Naperville-New 72 $324,999-$1,500,000

                 Closed-42 $263,000-$1,600,000

Oswego-New 22 $230,000-$649,900

             Closed-11 $242,000-$888,240

Plainfield-New 34 $239,000-$1,700,000

               Closed-21 $250,000-$668,533

St Charles-New 28 $229,900-$1,300,000

                  Closed-17 $167,000-$679,500

Sugar Grove-New 10 $355,000-$980,000

                    Closed-1 $380,000

Yorkville-New 13 $299,990-$875,000

               Closed-7 $191,000-$575,000

All these numbers will change as the day goes on.  The system updates as agents upload the new listings and closed listings.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median price of single family homes listed this week $410,000, last week $387,000.

Closed homes had a median price of $389,000 this week, last week $391,000.

Stats 042322
Stats for week ending April 23

Conventional financing was used to close 152 homes this week with a median price of $395,000 27 days average market time, last week 144 homes with median price of $402,500 24 days average market time.

Conv 042322
Conventional financing used for week ending April 23

Cash was used to close on 23 homes this week with a median price of $470,000 12 average market time, last week 24 homes with median price of $410,000 8 average market time.

Cash 042322
Cash used to close for week ending April 23

FHA financing was used to close on 16 homes with a median price of $287,500 with 12 average days market time, last week 14 homes with median price of $297,500 with 21 days average market time.

FHA 042322
FHA financing used to close for week ending April 23

VA financing was used to close on 6 homes with median price of $258,500  with 41 days average market time, last week also 6 homes but with median price of $583,500 with 110 average market time.

VA 042322
VA financing used to close for week ending April 23

People looking for a home that was at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 116 homes with median price of $473,750 with 33 days average market time, last week 116 homes with a median price of $465,750 with 29 days average market time.  The minimum priced home this week was $191,000, last week $175,000.

2000 SF or more 042322
Homes 2,000 SF or more for week ending April 23

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted by sellers was down.  245 this week compared to 297 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 23-Contracts accepted this week

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts this week:

Aurora-36                        Bolinbrook-15

Naperville-48                   Oswego-12

Plainfield-33                    St Charles-26


No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.

Contracts were accepted by seller’s that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and also 1 with 48 hours.

Also, contracts were accepted by seller’s that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 1 each with a kick-out clause of 72 h ours, 48 hours and 24 hours.

Median list price of homes that went under contract this week $399,900 with 25 days average market time, last week $399,000 with 23 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 042322
Contingent Stats for week ending April 23

2022 by the month

Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492             623

February        523         520             724

March            734         904             890

April              934         749            1009

Totals      2615     2665       3246

New listings are increasing, but so are the closed and under contract.  We need new listings to increase drastically to slow down the increase in prices.  Interest rates are going up.  We are starting to see market time go up and price changes so it is impacting some areas but not all.

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area of Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year compares to the previous 2 years.


Click on each underlined resource that you want to know more about.  If there is information not listed that you are looking for let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

Types of loan and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  If you need to work on your score they can help you.

Contact us

Call 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Request a home valuation if you are thinking about selling your home.  Tell us a little bit about your home and what has recently been updated.  We will give you an estimate of what it will sell for and a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell.  When an offer comes in we will update the net proceeds showing the terms and price offered so you can make a good decision.

Thinking about buying a home this year.  You need to get all your financial information to a loan officer so they can put you through underwriting so you will know what you are pre approved for and the seller will also feel better accepting your offer knowing you went through this extra step.

Sign-up for email alerts  so you don’t miss out on a home coming on the market.

You can search for me on facebook and click on the “shop now” button to search anywhere in Illinois.

All data provided today is from our MLS.  MRED, LLC.

Fox Valley home prices April 23.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices April 16 2022

Fox Valley Home Prices April 16 2022

Fox Valley home prices April 16 2022.  New listings are down.  206 this week compared to 239 the previous week.  Hopefully it will pick up after the holiday.

Closed listings were up.  190 this week compared to 159 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 16 2022

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 29 $160,000-$569,000

            Closed-34 $120,000-$1,010,000

Bolingbrook-New 14 $249,000-$499,500

                    Closed-12 $158,000-$581,000

Geneva-New 3 $294,900-$599,900

            Closed-13 $240,000-$675,000

Naperville-New 35 $345,000-$1,395,000

                 Closed-34 $331,000-$2,200,000

Oswego-New 14 $255,000-$643,300

             Closed-3 $399,000-$410,000

Plainfield-New 27 $224,900-$849,900

                Closed-26 $240,000-$1,000,000

St Charles-New 11 $119,900-$3,895,000

                  Closed-15 $142,000-$895,000

West Chicago-New 12 $225,000-$1,425,000

                       Closed-3 $245,000-$630,000

Other communities had activity this week.  Take a look at the photo above to see the price ranges there.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $387,000, last week $399,000.

Closed median price this week $391,000, last week $395,000.

Median list price for week ending April 16
Median list price for week ending April 16

Conventional financing used to close on 144 homes at median price $402,500 24 days average market time, last week 120 homes at median price of $407,000 39 days average market time.

Conventional financing used week ending April 16
Conventional financing used week ending April 16

Cash used to close on 24 homes with median price $410,000 8 days average market time, last week 22 homes at median price $335,500 19 days average market time.

Cash used to close week ending April 16
Cash used to close week ending April 16

FHA financing was used to close on 14 homes at median price $297,500 21 days average market time, last week 12 homes at median price $300,490 43 days average market time.

FHA financing used to close week ending April 16
FHA financing used to close week ending April 16

VA financing used to close 6 homes at median price $583,500 110 days average market time, last week 5 homes at median price $454,990 66 days average market time.

VA financing used to close week ending April 16
VA financing used to close week ending April 16

2,000 square feet or more closed on 116 homes at median price of $465,750 29 days average market time, last week 90 homes at median price $484,000 51 days average market time. Minimum price this week $175,000, last week $260,000.  What a difference a week makes!

2,000 SF or more closed week ending April 16
2,000 SF or more closed week ending April 16

Conventional financing is still the most used that gets accepted by the seller.  It is still challenging to get your offer accepted no matter what you are using.  Don’t give up.  Keep trying.  Try to write an offer with the most favorable terms that you are comfortable with.

Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were up.  297 this week compared to 247 the previous week.

Fox Valley home prices April 16 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-53                    Bolingbrook-20

Geneva-14                     Naperville-60

Oswego-18                    Plainfield-29

St Charles-19

1 short sale was accepted by a seller this week.  It was in Aurora.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.  Most seller’s that are having difficulty right now can sell and still walk away with money at closing.  Prices have gone up so much.  You might not need to sell short.

Seller’s have accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours and 4 with 48 hours.

Also, seller’s have accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours and also 1 with 24 hours.

The median price of the 297 homes that went under contract this week was $399,000 23 days average market time, last week 247 homes at median price of $390,000 27 days average market time.

Contract accepted stats for week ending April 16
Contract accepted stats for week ending April 16

2022 by the month

Month       New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January        422         492              623

February      523         520              724

March          734         904              890

April            634         551               764

Totals     2313    2467         3001

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year is going so far.

New listings have increased every month since January.  We hope that continues.


You can click on each one of these underlined to go to the site.

Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Check with your loan officer to find out the interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  If you need to work on your score your loan officer will help you with that.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal. We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Request a home valuation if you are thinking about selling your home.  Tell us a little bit about your home and what has been recently updated.  We will let you know what it is worth in today’s market.  Also, we will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you an estimate of expenses to sell. This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can make a good decision.

If you are thinking about buying a home get all your financial information together and get it to a loan officer so they can get you pre approved.  Then you will be ready to start looking at homes.

Sign up for email alerts so you will see homes as they hit the market.  You will want to go see it right away if you are interested.

All data provided today is from our MLS MRED, LLC.

Fox Valley home prices April 16 2022.  Have an awesome week!  Let us know how we can help you.

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121


Fox Valley home prices April 9 2022

Fox Valley Home Prices April 9 2022

Fox Valley home prices April 9 2022.  Yes a river runs through our wonderful communities here in Illinois.  More communities are stepping up and putting money into their riverfronts to make them special places to gather.

New listings increased.  239 this week compared to 189 the previous week.  April, May and June are great months to list if you are working around the school schedule.  Right now any day is a great day to list your home.

Closed listings were down.  159 this week compared to 202 the previous week.  They should increase as we get closer to the end of the month.

Fox Valley home prices April 9 2022

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week and the price ranges:

Aurora-New 36 $170,000-$749,000

            Closed-15 $115,000-$502,000

Bolingbrook-New 16 $225,000-$509,000

                   Closed-8 $235,000-$400,000

Geneva-New 13 $284,900-$999,950

            Closed-5 $311,000-$1,100,000

Naperville-New 52 $279,000-$1,200,000

                 Closed-32 $276,500-$1,750,000

Oswego-New 14 $329,000-$1,395,000

             Closed-13 $255,000-$665,000

Plainfield-New 25 $279,000-$5,625,000

                Closed-27 $180,000-$850,000

St Charles-New 12 $305,000-$875,000

                  Closed-13 $231,000-$770,616

Yorkville-New 14 $200,000-$598,000

               Closed-5 $367,000-$605,000

Other communities had activity that you can see in the picture above.  You should be able to click on it to make it larger.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week of homes in the Fox Valley area $399,000, last week $379,000

Closed median price this week $395,000, last week $384,950.

Stats 040922
Median list and closed price April 9, 2022

Conventional financing was used to close on 120 homes this week with median price of $407,000 with 39 days average market time, last week 147 at median price of $411,000 with 29 days average market time.

Conv 040922
Conventional financing used week ending April 9, 2022

Cash was used to close on 22 homes this week with median price of $335,500 19 days average market time, last week 27 homes with median price of $380,000 12 days average market time.

Cash 040922
Cash used to close for week ending April 9, 2022

FHA financing was used to close on 12 homes this week with median price of $300,490 43 days average market time, last week 23 homes at median price of $313,000 29 days average market time.

FHA 040922
FHA financing used to close week ending April 9, 2022

VA financing was used to close on 5 homes this week with median price of $454,990 66 days average market time, last week 6 homes with median price of $339,000 76 days average market time.

VA 040922
VA financing used to close week ending April 9, 2022

People looking for homes that were at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 90 homes this week with a median price of $484,000 51 days average market time, last week 120 homes closed with median price of $459,500 28 days average market time.  The minimum price of 2,000 Square feet or more  was $260,000 this week, last week $299,000.

2000 SF or more April 9 2022
Homes that were 2,000 SF or more week ending April 9, 2022

Conventional financing is still the financing seller’s are looking for if it is not cash right now.  Other types of financing are having a hard time getting accepted.

Contracts accepted this week

247 contracts were accepted by seller’s on homes this week, last week 220.  If more homes were on the market these numbers would be higher.

Fox Valley home prices April 9 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-46                 Bolingbrook-12

Naperville-44            Oswego-11

Plainfield-35             Plano-11

St Charles-18           Yorkville-13

2 short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  Both of them were in Aurora.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.  Most homeowners having difficulty right now can sell and still walk away at closing with money.  Prices have increased so much.  Let us see where you are at right now.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 1 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 1 with 48 hours and 3 with 24 hours.  None were accepted with a home that the buyer still needed to sell this week.

The 247 homes that went under contract this week median price was $390,000 with 27 days average market time, last week the 220 homes  median price was $369,950 with 20 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 040922
Median price of homes that went under contract week ending April 9, 2022

2022 by the month

Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492               623

February        523         520               724

March            734         904               890

April              428         361                467

Totals      2107     2277        2704

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update for the Fox Valley area in Illinois.  At the end of each month we will also show you 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year is going.


Click on each one to go to their site to get information.

Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Check with your loan office for the interest rate they will offer you.  It depends on your credit score.

If you are looking for any other information please let us know and we would be happy to point you in the right direction.

Contact us

Call 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Request a Home valuation if you are thinking about selling your home.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that gives you an estimate of the expenses to sell along with what we think your home will be worth in today’s market.  When an offer comes in we will update the net proceeds with all terms so you can make a good decision.

If you are thinking about buying a home right now you need to first get in touch with a loan officer and give them all your financial information.  They will run you through underwriting so you will be pre approved.  This shows seller’s you do qualify for their home.  If the home appraises out for the contract price and no issues with title you will be able to close in a timely manner. 

You can sign up for email alerts so you will receive listings of homes with your criteria as soon as they hit the market.  You have to be ready to go and not wait.  Homes are selling quickly.

You can also go to our facebook page and click on the “shop now” button and search anywhere in Illinois.  Please “like” our page.

All data provided is from our MLS MRED, LLC.

Fox Valley home prices April 9 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices April 2 2022

Fox Valley home prices April 2 2022

Fox Valley home prices April 2 2022.  We will show you the communities that are the most active, median prices, financing used, how many contracts were accepted this week.  Compare what has happened so far this year and look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can see how this year is going so far.  Share resources and how to contact us with questions.

New listing of single family homes were up.  189 this week compare to 168 the previous week.

Closed listings were also up.  202 this week compared to 171 the previous week.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 20 $149,900-$499,900

            Closed-29 $115,000-$750,000

Bolingbrook-New 13 $269,000-$520,000

                    Closed-15 $186,000-$614,900

Naperville-New 35 $300,000-$1,849,000

                 Closed-31 $310,000-$2,550,000

Oswego-New 18 $230,000-$799,900

             Closed-12 $235,000-$751,050

Plainfield-New 23 $289,000-$619,700

                Closed-23 $235,000-$949,567

St Charles-New 15 $149,999-$849,900

                  Closed-20 $190,000-$1,050,000

Yorkville-New 7 $319,000-$924,900

               Closed-10 $169,900-$670,000

Other communities had activity this week.  Click on the photo above to see.

Financing most used, median prices and 2,000 SF or more

Median list price this week $379,000, last week $390,000.

Closed median price this week $389,950, last week $370,000.

Stats 040222
Stats for the week ending April 2, 2022

Conventional financing was used to close on 147 single family homes with a median price of $411,000 with 29 average market days, last week 117 homes with median price of $405,000 with 36 average market days.

Conv 040222
Conventional financing used for week ending April 2, 2022

Cash was used to close on 27 homes with median price of $380,000 with 12 average market days, last week 18 homes with median price of $457,750 with 21 average market time.

Cash 040222
Cash used to close for week ending April 2, 2022

FHA financing was used to close on 23 homes with median price of $313,000 and 29 average market time, last week 28 homes at median price of $269,500 with 20 days average market time.

FHA 040222
FHA financing used for week ending April 2, 2022

VA financing was used to close on 6 homes this week with a median price of $339,000 and average market time of 76 days, last week 8 homes with median price of $498,750 and 41 days average market time.

VA 040222
VA financing used for week ending April 2, 2022

People looking for a home that was at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 120 homes at a median price of $459,500 with 28 days average market time, last week 93 homes with a median price of $462,500 with 34 days average market time.  The minimum price this week $299,000, last week $277,000.

2000 SF or more 040222
Homes closed 2,000 SF or more April 2, 2022

Right now the financing you use makes a difference, but it is not the only thing.  Timing and other terms might be more important for a seller.  Finding out is key.

Contracts accepted this week

Fox Valley home prices April 2 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were consistent.  220 this week compared to 222 the previous week.  That is pretty consistent.  They would be higher though with more listings.  We are still dealing with not enough homes for the buyers that are out there looking.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts this week:

Aurora-26                   Bolingbrook-20

Montgomery-12           Naperville-41

Oswego-14                  Plainfield-28

St Charles-13             Sycamore-12

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  Some people that are struggling can sell and still get money at closing.  Prices have increased enough that they do not have to sell short.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 1 each with a kick-out clause of 72, 48 and 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  4 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

The median price of the 220 homes that received contracts this week was $369,950 with 20 days average market time.  Last week 222 homes received a contract with median price of $394,950 with 20 days average market time.  We will not know the price they agreed to until they close.

Contingent Stats 040222
Contract accepted stats for week ending April 2, 2022

2022 by the month and a look back at 2021 and 2020


Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492                623

February        523         520                724

March            923         1106               1110

Totals       1868     2118         2457


January          543         649                829

February        561          604                778

March            993         1099              1455

Totals       2097     2352         3062


January         1105          566                858

February       1267          529              1024

March            1186          707              1079

Totals       3558     1802         2961

New listings has decreased every year.  This is why prices have increased.

More of the homes that have gone under contract that actually closed has increased every year.  It has helped that loan officers are putting buyer’s through underwriting instead of just getting their information over the phone and checking their credit.  We know the buyer’s are good to go and just need to make sure the appraisal works out and no issues with title.


Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

If you are looking for any other information just let us know and we will point you in the right direction.

You will need to contract your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  The better your credit score the better the rate you will be offered.  They can help you to increase your score if you need it.  Just ask them what you can do.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Request a home valuation if you are thinking about selling your home.  We will let you know what it might sell for and show you an estimate of expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can make a good decision.

If you are thinking about buying a home you need to start with a loan officer and get them all your financial information so they can run you through underwriting to get you pre approved.  You will be ready to go then and once you find a home all you need to do is make sure it appraises out and get the title updated.  You can sign up to get homes emailed to you as they hit the market.  All you need to do is sign up for email alerts.  You can also go to my facebook page  and click on “shop now” to search for homes.

We will guide you through the process.

All data provided is from our MLS.  MRED, LLC

Fox Valley home prices April 2 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster ST

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices March 26 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 26 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 26 2022.  Will the Spring real estate market arrive this year?  Just like the weather here in the Fox Valley that is not sure if it is still Winter or Spring.  Some weeks are better than others.

If you are a seller you are loving this market, but when you go to buy, you are finding it a challenge.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 19 $160,000-$899,900

            Closed-28 $105,000-$600,000

Bolingbrook-New 8 $235,000-$485,000

                     Closed-15 $225,900-$740,000

Naperville-New 43 $259,900-$2,925,000

                  Closed-27 $310,000-$1,709,000

Plainfield-New 22 $275,000-$650,000

                 Closed-11 $287,000-$662,000

St Charles-New 13 $260,000-$2,300,000

                  Closed-14 $240,000-$1,225,000

Click on the photo above to see what other communities had activity this week.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 square feet or more

The median home price of new listings this week was $390,000, last week $389,950.

Closed median home price this week $370,000, last week $372,250.

Stats 032622
Stats for home prices this week

Conventional financing was used to close on 117 homes this week with a median price of $405,000 in 36 days average market time, last week 119 homes with median price of $395,000 in 42 days average market time.

Conv 032622
Conventional financing used this week

Cash was used to close on 18 homes this week with a median price of $457,750 in 21 days average market time, last week 24 homes with median price of $385,000 with 32 days average market time.

Cash 032622
Cash used to close on homes this week

FHA financing was used to close on 28 homes this week with median price of $269,500 in 20 days average market time, last week 24 homes with median price of $287,500 in 26 days average market time.

FHA 032622
FHA financing used to close this week

VA financing used to close on 8 homes with median price of $498,750 in 41 days average market time, last week 9 homes with median price of $419,900 in 66 days average market time.

VA 032622
VA financing used to close this week

People looking for a home that is 2,000 square feet or more closed on 93 homes this week with a median price of $462,500 in 34 days average market time, last week 100 homes with a median price of $451,750 in 50 days average market time. Minimum price this week was $277,000, last week $175,000.

2000 SF or more 032622
2,000 Square feet or more this week

Contracts accepted this week

Fox Valley home prices March 26 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week on single family homes was down this week.  222 this week compared to 237 the previous week.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts this week:

Aurora-34                            Bolingbrook-17

Geneva-12                            Naperville-47

Plainfield-26                        St Charles-15

West Chicago-10

No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  Prices have increased so much that most people that are having difficulty can still sell and not sell short.  If you are having difficulty, let us take a look at what you owe, and what your home might sell for and see what you can do.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours and 4 with 24 hours.

There were no contingencies this week on buyer’s that still had to sell and close before purchasing.

The median price for the 222 homes that went under contract this week was $394,500 in 20 days average marker time, last week 237 homes went under contract with a median price of $387,000 in 24 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 032622
Contract accepted stats this week

2022 by the month

Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492                623

February        523         520                724

March            734         904                890

Totals      1679     1916         2237

Check back with us each Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we will also take a look back at 2021 an 2020 so you can see how this year is going.  March ends next Thursday so we will do this next week.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Are you getting your home ready to sell this year?  Request a home valuation and tell us a little bit about your home and what has recently been updated.  We will give you an estimate of what it is worth and a net proceeds that shows you an estimate of expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms.

If you want to buy a home this year you need to talk to a loan officer that will not just pre qualify you but run it through underwriting so you know you are approved up to a certain price and you just need to find the home get appraisal completed and update the title.  You will be up against other people wanting the same home so you need to be farther along in the process to be considered by the seller.  Get all your financial information together and get it to the loan officer.


Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Contact your loan officer to see what interest rates you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  They can also help you bring up your score if it needs a little help.  

This is a fast paced market.  If you wait until the weekend you might lose out on a chance for a home. 

It is nice for seller’s right now because you are not inconvenienced for a length of time drug out for weeks with occasional showings.  If it is priced right it will sell.  Once you get past the home inspection after accepting a contract the next person to come through will be the appraiser. 

We will guide you through the process and work with your real estate attorney on any issues that might come up with the home inspection and attorney review.

We can set you up for email alerts that will automatically email you listings of homes with your criteria as soon as they hit the market.

All data provided today is from our MLS.  MRED, LLC.

Fox Valley home prices March 26 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538


Search for home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices March 19 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 19 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 19 2022.  Every Saturday we take a look at what happened for the week in the real estate market in Kane & Kendall County areas of Illinois.  We highlight the communities with the most activity and the price ranges, median prices, financing used, 2022 by the month and which communities seller’s accepted the most contracts.  If there is other information you would like us to include, please let us know.

New listing this week on single family homes were almost exactly the same as the week before.  185 this week compared to 184 the previous week.

Closed listings this week increased.  176 this week compared to 150 the previous week.  They should increase as we get closer to the end of the month.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 27 $157,000-$599,000

            Closed-21 $175,000-$695,000

Bolingbrook-New 13 $229,900-$875,000

                    Closed-13 $200,000-$660,000

Geneva-New 14 $269,900-$950,000

             Closed-7 $340,000-$950,000

Naperville-New 45 $389,000-$1,349,990

                 Closed-30 $280,000-$2,524,000

Plainfield-New 18 $200,000-$1,250,000

                Closed-17 $286,500-$532,450

St Charles-New 12 $149,900-$765,000

                  Closed-10 $199,900-$1,550,000

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 square feet or more

The median list price of a single family home this week was $389,950, last week $383,675.  Median closed price was $372,250 this week, last week $383,000.  Average market time this week was 10 days with 39 days to close, the week before average 14 days active with 39 days to close.

Stats 031922
Stats for week ending March 19, 2022

Conventional financing was used to close on 119 single family homes with a median price of $395,000 with 42 days average market time, last week 111 single family homes with a median price of $390,000 with 30 days average market time.

CONV 031922
Conventional financing used to close for week ending March 19, 2022

Cash was used to close on 24 homes this week with a median price of $385,000 and 32 days average market time, last week 16 homes with median price of $373,500 with 89 days average market time.

Cash 031922
Cash used to close for week ending March 19, 2022

FHA financing was used to close on 24 homes this week with a median price of $287,500 with 26 days average market time, last week 20 homes with median price of $327,500 with 47 days average market time.

FHA 031922
FHA financing used to close week ending March 19, 2022

VA financing was used to close on 9 homes with median price of $419,900 with 66 days average market time, last week 3 homes with median price of $500,000 with 30 days average market time.

VA 031922
VA financing used to close for week ending March 19, 2022

People looking for at least 2,000 square feet or more closed on 100 homes at median price of $451,750 this week with 50 average days on market, last week 89 homes with median price of $450,000 with 38 average days on market.  Minimum price this week was $175,000, last week $192,000.

2000 SF or more 031922
2,000 SF or more closed for week ending March 19, 2022

Contracts accepted this week

Fox Valley home prices March 19 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted by seller’s this week increased.  237 this week compared to 218 the previous week.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-33                      Bolingbrook-11

Geneva-10                       Naperville-47

Oswego-11                       Plainfield-35

St Charles-16                  Yorkville-10

2 short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  1 each in Plainfield and West Chicago.  Now they will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 3 with 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, a seller accepted a contract that is contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 1 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

24 days was the average market time for the homes that seller’s accepted a contract this week with a median price of $387,000, last week 27 days average market time with median price of $394,750.

Contingent Stats 031922
Stats for contingent homes week ending March 19, 2022

2022 by the month

Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492               623

February        523         520               724

March            566         733                668

Totals       1511    1745         2015

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate update.  At the end of each month we will take a look back at 2021 and 2020 so you can compare how this year is going.

Contact us

Call us at 63-503-6555 with all of your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

Request a home valuation if you are thinking about selling.  Tell us a little bit about your home and what has been recently updated.  We will let you know what it might sell for and give you an estimate of expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can make a good decision.

If you are thinking about buying a home this year get in touch with a loan officer..  Get them all your financial information so they can run you through underwriting and get you conditionally approved.  You need to take this extra step if you need to get financing.  As you can see above conventional financing is the one seller’s are most willing to accept at this time.

It is a great time to sell and can be frustrating to be a buyer right now.  Persistent, patience and putting your best foot forward will help you.


Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Click on these links above for some good information.  Interest rates depend on your credit score so check with your lender to see what they will offer you.  They can also help you increase your credit score.

All data provided is from our MLS MRED, LLC.

You can go to my facebook page Best Homes Fox Valley to “shop now” or sign up for email alerts.

Fox Valley home prices March 19 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121


Fox Valley home prices March 12 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 12 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 12 2022.  Every community in the Fox Valley area of Illinois has a little different pricing.  It is good to know what they are, so you can decide on the community that you will have the most success finding the home that is right for you.

New listings this week on single family homes were slightly lower.  184 this week compared to 197 the previous week.

Closed listings this week on single family homes were also lower.  150 this week compared to 174 the previous week. 

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 22 $135,000-$750,000

             Closed-25 $135,000-$660,000

Bolingbrook-New 11 $243,000-$550,228

                   Closed-12 $180,000-$432,200

Naperville-New 35 $349,900-$2,249,000

                  Closed-19 $303,000-$1,020,000

Plainfield-New 19 $300,000-$729,900

                Closed-20 $165,000-$640,000

Sandwich-New 11 $130,000-$349,900

                 Closed-4 $315,000-$480,000

St Charles-New 16 $325,000-$975,000

                  Closed-15 $225,000-$1,650,000

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 or more square feet

The median list price this week $383,675, last week $375,000.

Median closed price this week $383,000, last week $365,000 with 14 days average market time and 39 days to close.

Stats 031222
Stats for the week ending March 12, 2022

Conventional financing was used to close on 111 single family homes this week with average market time 30 days, last week 123 at median price of $385,548 with average market time 41 days.

Conv 031222
Conventional financing used for week ending March 12, 2022

Cash  was used to close on 16 single family homes at median price of $373,500 with average market time of 89 days, last week 19 at median price of $326,000 with average market time of 25 days.

Cash 031222
Cash used to close week ending March 12, 2022

FHA financing used to close on 20 single family homes at median price of $327,500 with average market time of 47 days, last week 22 homes at median price of $275,750 with average market time of 35 days.

FHA 031222
FHA financing used to close week ending March 12, 2022

VA financing was used to close on 3 homes at median price of $500,000 with average market time of 30 days, last week 9 homes at median price of $365,000 with average market time of 55 days.

VA 031222
VA financing used to close for week ending March 12, 2022

Homes that were 2,000 square feet or more closed on 89 with a median price of $450,000 this week with average market time 38 days, last week 95 homes at median price of $436,000 with average market time of 45 days.  The minimum price this week was $192,000, last week the minimum price was $217,000.

Conventional financing is still the #1 type of financing used and accepted by seller’s right now.

Contracts accepted this week

Fox Valley home prices March 12 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week are staying pretty consistent.  218 this week compared to 213 the previous week.

Aurora-24                          Bolingbrook-18

Geneva-12                          Naperville-45

Plainfield-23                      St Charles-23


No short sales were accepted by seller’s this week.  That does not mean that they are not out there trying to sell.

Seller’s accepted contracts this week that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  2 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

Also, a seller accepted a contract that is contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  1 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

The median price on homes that went under contract this week was $394,750 with average market time of 27 days.

Contingent Stats 031222
Contracts accepted stats for week ending March 12, 2022

2022 by the month

Month                           New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January                                       422        492              623

February                                     523        520              724

March                                          381        557              431

Totals                          1326    1569       1778

Check back with us every Saturday for the real estate market update.  At the end of each month we will also show you 2021 and 2020, so you can see  how this year is going compared to the previous 2 years.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal. We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

It is still a seller’s market here in the Fox Valley.  Prices continue to rise because of the low inventory of homes for sale.  This is a great time to be a seller.  It is frustrating to be a buyer.

Request a home valuation if you are thinking about selling your home and want to know what the value is in today’s market.  Give us some information about your home and what has recently been updated.  We will let you know what the expenses to sell might be.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can make a good decision.

Get in touch with a loan officer and get them all your financial information and have them run you through underwriting so you are approved subject to the address, appraisal and title work if you are thinking about buying.  You have to be ready to go in this market .  It moves fast and if you haven’t completed this you will lose out on a home.

Set up email alerts so you receive listings as they hit the market so you don’t miss out on anything.


Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Check with your loan officer for the interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  They can also help you to bring your score up.

Hover and click your mouse over anything that is underlined and in darker print for links to the information.

All data used today is from our MLS-MRED,LLC.

If you are looking for attached homes let us know when you contact us either by filling out the form or call us.

Fox Valley home prices March 12 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices March 5 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 5 2022

Fox Valley home prices March 5 2022.   We hope for peace soon for Ukraine.  The pace of new listings of single family homes coming on the market picked up slightly.  197 this week compared to 163 the week previously.

Closed listing also picked up.  174 this week compared to 128 the week previously.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week:

Aurora-New 20 $124,900-$749,900

            Closed-24 $170,000-$600,000

Bolingbrook-New 13 $239,900-$899,900

                    Closed-14 $180,000-$560,000

Naperville-New 40 $249,000-$2,950,000

                 Closed-21 $340,000-$1,425,000

Oswego-New 15 $244,900-$1,450,000

             Closed-13 $293,200-$682,200

Plainfield-New 24 $218,000-$600,00

                Closed-23 $251,101-$665,000

St Charles-New 17 $274,900-$3,299,000

                  Closed-8 $235,000-$720,000

Yorkville-New 12 $326,900-$464,900

               Closed-16 $172,500-$602,500

Click on the photo above to take a look at the other communities that also had activity this week.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 or more square feet

Median list price on single family homes this week $375,000, last week $385,000.

Closed median price this week $365,000, last week $343,500.  The average days active this week 24 days with 39 to close.  Previous week average days active 8 days with 42 days to close.

Stats 030522
Stats for week ending March 5 2022

Conventional financing was used to close 123 homes this week with a median price of $385,548 with average market time 41 days, last week 90 homes at median price of $375,000 with 40 days average market time.

Conv 0030522
Conventional Financing used week ending March 5 2022

Cash was used to close on 19 homes this week at median price of $326,000 with 25 days average market time, last week 13 homes at median price of $275,000 with 57 days average market time.

Cash 030522
Cash used to close week ending March 5 2022

FHA financing was used to close on 22 homes this week with  a median price of $275,750 in 35 days average market time, last week 19 homes at median price of $290,000 in 54 days average market time.

FHA 030522
FHA financing used to close week ending March 5 2022

VA financing was used to close on 9 homes this week with a median price of $365,000 in 55 days average market time, last week 4 homes at median price of $269,494 in 24 days average market time.

VA 030522
VA financing used to close week ending March 5 2022

95 homes that are at least 2,000 square feet or more closed this week at a median price of $436,000 in 45 days average market time, last week 68 homes closed at median price of $420,995 in 47 days average market time.  The minimum price this week was $217,000, last week $160,000.

2000 SF or more 030522
Homes that are 2,000 SF or more week ending March 5 2022

Contracts accepted this week

Fox Valley home prices March 5 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week  were slightly up.  213 this week compared to 191 the previous week.  With more new listings this week we should see this number go up next week.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-30                          Bolingbrook-10

Geneva-10                          Naperville-51

Oswego-12                         Plainfield-31

St Charles-13

1 short sale was accepted by a seller this week.  It was in Winfield.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 2 with 48 hours and 1 with 24 hours.

Also, seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home.  3 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours, 1 with 24 hours and also 1 that we do not know how much time they gave them.

Of the 213 homes that went under contract this week average days on market was 37 days with median price of $397,500.

Contingent Stats 030522
Contingent Stats for the week ending March 5 2022

 2022 by the month

Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492                623

February        523         520                724

March            197          174                 213

Totals      1142     1186         1560

Check back with us every Saturday for the Fox Valley home prices market update.  At the end of each month we will also show you 2021 and 2020 so you can see a comparison.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

If you are waiting for spring market to sell there is no reason to wait unless the timing is off for you.  Buyers are waiting for homes to hit the market.  Request a home valuation and tell us a little bit about your home.   Let us know what has recently been updated.  We will let you know what it is worth in today’s market and provide you with an estimate of expenses to sell.  This will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can make a good decision.

Thinking about buying a home this year?  You need to get all your financial information to a loan officer so they can get you through the process of getting approved so you are ready to go and start looking at homes.  Let us know if you need a recommendation.

Resources-click on them to learn more

Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates 

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate they will be offering you.  It depends on your credit score what interest rate you are offered.

We are here to guide you through the process.  There is more too it besides getting an offer accepted.  

All data used is from our MLS MRED, LLC. 

Fox Valley home prices March 5 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today! Set up email alerts.

Kriss New profile for FB 123121

Fox Valley home prices February 26 2022

Fox Valley home prices February 26 2022

Fox Valley home prices February 26 2022.  We end this last week of February with a bright sunny day and a slight increase in new listings of single family homes.  163 this week compared to 137 the previous week.

Take a look at the communities with the most activity this week and the price ranges:

Aurora-New 17 $189,000-$589,000

            Closed-20 $160,000-$467,000

Geneva-New 10 $275,000-$689,500

            Closed-8 $335,000-$580,000

Naperville-New 41 $325,000-$1,699,000

                 Closed-17 $306,000-$1,650,000

Plainfield-New 16 $279,000-$850,000

                Closed-19 $215,000-$492,500

St Charles-New 10 $269,900-$1,485,000

                  Closed-7 $247,500-$400,001

Naperville saw the most new listings this week with Aurora having the most closed.  Multiple offers is still the norm for the foreseeable future.

Financing used, median prices and 2,000 square feet or more

Median list price this week $385,000, last week $375,500.

Closed median price this week $343,500, last week $374,355.

8 days average active this week with 42 average days closed. last week 16 days average active with 54 average days closed.

Stats 022622
Median prices for the week ending February 26 2022

Conventional financing was used to close 90 homes this week with median price of $375,000 with average market time 40 days, last week 88 with median price of $397,262 with average market time 57 days.

Conv financing 022622
Conventional financing used week ending February 26 2022

Cash was used to close 13 homes median price of $275,000 with 57 average market days, last week 15 homes median price $477,500 with 65 average market time.

Cash 022622
Cash used to close for week ending February 26 2022

FHA financing was used to close on 19 homes median price $290,000 with 54 average market days, last week 11 homes median price $258,000 with 31 average market time.

FHA 022622
FHA financing used for week ending February 26 2022

VA financing was used to close on 4 homes this week median price of $269,494 with 24 average market time, last week 7 homes median price of $330,000 with 19 days average market time.

VA 022622
VA financing used for week ending February 26 2022

68 homes closed this week that were 2,000 square feet or more median price $420,995 with 9 days average active and 47 days average market time to close, last week 72 homes median price of $452,500 with 16 days average active and 50 days average market time to close.  The minimum price this week that closed was $160,000, last week $279,900.  What a difference a week makes!

2000 SF or more 022622
2,000 SF or more week ending February 26 2022

Contracts accepted this week

ox Valley home prices February 26 2022-Contracts accepted this week

Contracts accepted this week were pretty consistent.  191 this week compared to 187 the previous week.  If new listings pick up we would see this number increase.  Buyers are waiting.

Look at the communities seller’s accepted the most contracts:

Aurora-28                      Bolingbrook-16

Naperville-32                 Oswego-12

Plainfield-19                   St Charles-16

These are the communities that consistently see activity week after week.

1 short sale was accepted by a seller this week.  It was in Plainfield.  Now it will be submitted to the lender to see if they will also accept as written.

Seller’s accepted contracts that are contingent on the buyer closing on their current home. 2 with a kick-out clause of 72 hours, 1 with 48 hours, and 2 with 24 hours.

Also, a seller accepted a contract that is contingent on the buyer selling and closing on their current home. 1 with a kick-out clause of 48 hours.

The median price of homes that went under contract this week was $360,000 with a average market time of 30 days, last week median price was $369,900 with 42 days average market time.

Contingent Stats 022622
Contracts accepted Stats for week ending February 26 2022

2022 by the month and a look back at 2021 and 2020


Month        New   Closed   Contracts accepted

January          422         492              623

February        523         520              724

Totals        945     1012        1347


January          543         649              829

February        561          604              778

Totals       1104     1253        1607


January         1105         566              858

February       1267         529            1024

Totals       2372     1095       1882

Take a look at the numbers and you can see why prices are rising the way they are. January and February are usually slower months.  Last year March increased dramatically.

This is the last full week of February.  Monday the 28th will be added to March.  Check back with us every Saturday for the market update.

Contact us

Call us at 630-503-6555 with all your real estate questions.  Your goal is our goal.  We will do everything we can to help you reach your goal.

This is a fantastic time to be a seller!  By the time you get to closing the temperatures will be better for moving.  Request a home valuation and we will give you and estimate of what your home is worth in today’s market.  We will provide you with a net proceeds that shows you the expenses to sell.  The net proceeds will be updated when an offer comes in and we know all the terms so you can see what you will walk away with so you can make a good decision.

If you want to be a buyer you have to be patient and aggressive.  You will be up against multiple offers so you need to be aggressive with pricing and patient because not everyone can win.  If you need to get financing you have to get all your financial information to a loan officer and go through underwriting so all you need is to update title and order appraisal.  Anything less will not get accepted.  No more waiting until the weekend to look because it will be gone by then.

We will guide you through the process and let you know what needs to be done.


Types of loans and the process

VA loans and the requirements

Current interest rates*

Down payment assistance

IHDA programs

*Check with your loan officer to see what interest rate you will be offered.  It depends on your credit score.  They will help you if you need to bring it up.

All data used is from our MLS  MRED,LLC.

Let us know if we can set you up to receive email alerts when a home hits the market.  Just let us know the area, price range and any other criteria.

Fox Valley home prices February 26 2022.  Have an awesome week!

Kristine Heiman, SFR, SRS, AHWD

Designated Managing Broker

Best Homes Fox Valley

200 Webster St

Montgomery, IL 60538

630-503-6555 ext 101

Search for a home today!

Kriss New profile for FB 123121